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Musical Musings: Lent Page 2

Agnus - A Lenten Service (cont.)

II. The Lamb of the Prophets

Scripture: Isaiah 52: 13-15; 53: 2-7 [Sit]

At the conclusion of the reading:
Reader- The Word of the Lord.
People- Thanks be to God.

Response: Congregational Hymn "Ah, Holy Jesus" [tune- Herzliebster Jesu]

Prayer: [Stand]

Let us pray. Lord, by the sufferings of Christ your Son you have saved us all from the death we inherited from sinful Adam. By the law of nature we have borne the likeness of his manhood. May the sanctifying power of grace help us to put on the likeness of our Lord in heaven, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
People- Amen.

III. The Lamb of God

Scripture: John 1: 19-29 [Stand]

At the conclusion of the reading:
Reader- The Gospel of the Lord.
People- Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Response: Litany "Lamb of God" (David Clark Isele) [Sit]
Cantor- Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Joy of angels, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- King of patriarchs, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Master of the apostles, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Teacher of the evangelists, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Strength of martyrs, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Light of confessors, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Purity of virgins, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Crown of all saints, you take away the sins of the world...
People- have mercy on us.
Cantor- Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world...
People- grant us peace.

Prayer: [Stand]

Let us pray. All-powerful God, help your people to walk the path of salvation. By following the example of John the Baptist, may we come to your Son, the Lamb of God, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
People- Amen.

Homily [Sit]

Offering "Agnus Dei" from Messe pour les couvents (F. Couperin)

IV. The Lamb of the Apocalypse

Scripture: Revelation 5: 6-14 [Sit]

At the conclusion of the reading:
Reader- The Word of the Lord.
People- Thanks be to God.

Response: Congregational Hymn "Around the Throne a Glorious Band" [tune- Jesu dulcis memoria or any Long Meter tune]

Prayer: [Stand]

Let us pray. Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, your Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, through his cross and resurrection, freed us from sin and death and called us to the glory that has made us a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart. Everywhere we proclaim your mighty works for you have called us out of darkness into your own wonderful light. May our prayer resound to your honor. To the One seated on the throne, to the Lamb, and to the Holy Spirit, be praise and honor, glory and might, for ever and ever.
People- Amen.

Leader- The Father of mercies has given us an example of unselfish love in the sufferings of his only Son; through your service to God and neighbor may you receive his countless blessings.
People- Amen.
Leader- You believe that by his dying Christ destroyed death for ever. May he give you everlasting life.
People- Amen.
Leader- Christ, the Lamb of God, humbled himself for our sake. May you follow his example and share in his resurrection.
People- Amen.
Leader- May almighty God bless you, + the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
People- Amen.

Hymn: "Crown Him with Many Crowns" [tune- Diademata]

Recessional: Organ "O Lamm Gottes unschuldig" (Johann Pachelbel)

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