Musical Musings: Liturgy |
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Offertory Antiphons (Part 2)
from the Graduale Simplex:
- Missa I per annum: Psalm 47:2b
- verses - Psalm 47:3 / 4 / 5 / 7
- Missa III per annum: Psalm 54:4
- verses - Psalm 54:3 / 4 / 8 / 9
- Missa IV per annum: Psalm 140:8a,7b
- verses - Psalm 140:2 / 3a,2b / 7 / 14
- Missa VI per annum: Psalm 125:4
- verses - Psalm 125:1b / 2 / 3a / 5
- Missa VII per annum: Psalm 128:1b
- verses - Psalm 128:2 / 4 / 5 / 6
- Missa VIII per annum: Psalm 113:3
- verses - Psalm 113:1b / 2 / 4 / 5-6
Ordinary Time 2
- GR: Psalm 66:1b,2a,16
Ordinary Time 3
- GR: Psalm 118:16,17
Ordinary Time 4
- GR: Psalm 92:2
Ordinary Time 5
- GR: Psalm 17:5,6b,7
Ordinary Time 6
- GR: Psalm 119:12-13
Ordinary Time 7
- GR: Psalm 5:3-4a
- GS: Psalm 5:3 [Missa II per annum]
- verses - Psalm 5:2 / 4,3a / 4c,5a / 9
Ordinary Time 8
- GR: Psalm 6:5
Ordinary Time 9
- GR: Psalm 9:11,12a,13c
Ordinary Time 10
- GR: Psalm 13:4b-5a
- GS: Psalm 13:4b [Missa V per annum]
- verses - Psalm 13:2 / 3a / 3b-4a / 6b
Ordinary Time 11
- GR: Psalm 16:7a,8
Ordinary Time 12
- GR: Psalm 17:5,6b,7
Ordinary Time 13
- GR: Daniel 3:40
Ordinary Time 14
- GR: Psalm 18:28,32a
Ordinary Time 15
- GR: Psalm 25:1-3
Ordinary Time 16
- GR: Psalm 19:9,11b,12
Ordinary Time 17
- GR: Psalm 30:2-3
Ordinary Time 18
- GR: Exodus 32:11a,12d,13a, 13c,14
Ordinary Time 19
- GR: Psalm 31:15-16a
Ordinary Time 20
- GR: Psalm 34:8-9a
Ordinary Time 21
- GR: Psalm 40:2,4a
Ordinary Time 22
- GR: Psalm 40:14-15
Ordinary Time 23
- GR: Daniel 9:4a,17,19
Ordinary Time 24
- GR: Exodus 24:4-5
Ordinary Time 25
- GR: Psalm 138:7
Ordinary Time 26
- GR: Psalm 137:1
Ordinary Time 27
- GR: Job 1:1b; 2:7
Ordinary Time 28
- GR: Esther 14:12-13
Ordinary Time 29
- GR: Psalm 119:47-48
Ordinary Time 30
- GR: Psalm 119:107b,125b
Ordinary Time 31
- GR: Psalm 103:2,5b
Ordinary Time 32
- GR: Psalm 119:133
Ordinary Time 33
- GR: Psalm 130:1bc
Christ the King [Last Sunday of the Church Year]
- GR: Psalm 2:8
- GS: Isaiah 49:6b
- verses - Psalm 47:2 / 7 / 8 / 9
Presentation of the Lord [February 2]
- GR: Psalm 45:3bc
- GS: Psalm 45:3bc
- verses - Psalm 45:2 / 5 / 7 / 8
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist: Vigil [June 23, evening]
- GR: Psalm 8:6b-7a
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist: Day [June 24]
- GR: Psalm 92:13
- GS: The child who is born to us is more than a prophet; for it is he of whom the Savior said,
"Among those born of women no greater prophet has arisen than John the Baptist."
- verses - Psalm 65:2 / 5a / 5b / 6
Saints Peter & Paul: Vigil [June 28, evening]
- GR: Psalm 139:17
Saints Peter & Paul: Day [June 29]
- GR: Psalm 45:17b-18a
- GS: Psalm 45:17b-18a
- verses - Psalm 45:2 / 5 / 17a / 18b
Transfiguration [August 6]
- GR: Psalm 8:6b-7a
- GS: Mark 9:5
- verses - Psalm 133:1 / 2ab / 2c,3ab / 3c
Assumption: Vigil [August 14, evening]
- GR: Blessed are you, Virgin Mary, who bore the Lord, the Creator of the world:
you brought forth the One who made you, and you remained a Virgin forever.
Assumption: Day [August 15]
- GR: Mary has been taken up to heaven; the angels rejoice. They bless the Lord and sing his praises.
- GS: By you the gates of paradise have been opened to us; today you triumph gloriously with the angels. -or- Luke 1:28,42
- verses - Psalm 96:1 / 2 / 3 / 8b-9a -or- Psalm 85:2 / 11 / 12 / 13
Exaltation of the Holy Cross [September 14]
- GR: By the sign of the holy Cross, O Lord, protect your people from the wiles of all our enemies
that we may be able to offer you worthy service, and that our sacrifice may be pleasing in your sight. Alleluia.
- GS: The Lord's holy Name is exalted by the Cross; he is praised through heaven and earth.
- verses - Psalm 1:1 / 2 / 3a / 3b
All Saints [November 1]
- GR: Wisdom 3:1,2a,3b
- GS: Sirach 15:6
- verses - Psalm 5:2 / 8b / 12a / 12b
All Souls [November 2]
- GR: Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the bottomless pit. Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, Deliver them from the lion's mouth, nor let them fall into darkness, neither the black abyss swallow them up.
May Saint Michael, the banner bearer, conduct them into the holy light which once you promised to Abraham and his seed.
We offer you this sacrifice of prayer and praise. Receive it for those souls whom today we commemorate. Allow them, O Lord, to cross from death into the life which once you promised to Abraham and his seed.
- GS: Job 19:25 -or- Psalm 15:1 -or- Psalm 138:1c
- verses - Psalm 18:2-3a / 6 / 7a / 7b -or- Psalm 15:2 / 3a / 3b / 5b -or- Psalm 138:1a / 3 / 7 / 8
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica [November 9]
- GR: I Chronicles 29:17-18
- GS: The house of the Lord is well founded on solid rock.
- verses - Psalm 138:1a / 1b-2a / 2b / 3
Immaculate Conception [December 8]
- GR: Luke 1:28,42
- GS: Psalm 46:4b
- verses - Psalm 46:2 / 6 / 9 / 12