Musical Musings: Miscellaneous |
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Music for the Solemn Inauguration Mass
of Pope Benedict XVI (Part 2)
The Imposition of the Pastoral Pallium and the Conferral of the Fisherman's Ring
- During the Alleluia, two deacons carried the Pallium and the Ring from the altar to the Holy Father's chair.
- Prayer: by Cardinal Medina Etevez, Proto Cardinal Deacon
- Music: Manda Deus virtutem tuam, confirma hoc Deus quod operatus es nobis.[Ps 68:29] (polyphony by Liberto?) "Show forth, O God, your power, the power, O God, with which you took our part."
- An ancient form of the pallium, symbolizing the lost sheep which Christ carries on his shoulders, was placed over the Holy Father's chasuble, and secured with three pins.
- Prayer: by Cardinal Kim, Senior Cardinal Priest
- Prayer: by Cardinal Sodano, Dean of the College of Cardinals
- Music: Manda Deus virtutem tuam, confirma hoc Deus quod operatus es nobis.[Ps 68:29] (polyphony by Liberto?) "Show forth, O God, your power, the power, O God, with which you took our part."
- The Fisherman's Ring was presented to the new Pope, who placed it on his right hand.
- Blessing of the People with the Book of the Gospels
- Music: sung by the Greek Seminary Choir, "May you live many years, Holy Father."
- Sign of Honor and Obedience
- Music: Tu es Petrus (polyphony by Liberto)
- Twelve people, representing the whole Church, offer their honor and obedience to the new Pontiff:
- Cardinal Sodano, Senior Cardinal Bishop & Dean of the College of Cardinals
- Cardinal Kim, Senior Cardinal Priest
- Cardinal Medina Estevez, Proto Deacon
- Bishop Andrea Maria Erba, bishop of Cardinal Ratzinger's former titular see, Velletri-Segni
- Msgr. Enrico Pomili, pastor of the Church of Santa Maria Consolatrice, in Castel Bertone (Rome)
- Deacon Emile Martin de Bonger, student at the Propaganda Fide College
- Rev. Jesus C. Serverra, Carmelite priest
- Mother Mary Sophia, Benedictine abbess
- Francisco Min & Clara Pak, and their son Sebastian, Korean family
- Veronica Arikanithan, recent confirmand from Sri Lanka
- Charles Beliko, recent confirmand from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Homily His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, delivered in Italian; read full translation here
- "The Church is alive.
The Church is young."
- Credo
- Credo III (Gregorian chant) Intoned by the Holy Father, then alternating choir men or choir trebeles with congregation.
The phrase Et unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam was sung in SATB polyphony.
- General Intercessions Introduced and concluded in spoken Italian by the Holy Father.
- Intonation: In pace Dominum oremus. "In peace, let us pray to the Lord." Cantor
- Response: Audi nos et exaudi Domine. "Hear us and listen to us, O Lord." Congregation and organ
- Petitions: Read in various languages by laymen:
- German man
- French woman
- Arabic man
- Chinese woman
- Portuguese woman
- Offertory I Corinthians 13:13
- Antiphon: Maneat in nobis fides, spes et caritas; major autem horum est caritas. (Gregorian chant) "There are in the end three things that last: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love."
- Verses: from I Cor 13:1-8,13, Si lingui hominum loquar et angelorum... (polyphony by Liberto?) "If I speak with human tongues and angelic as well..."
- Offertory Procession Gifts brought forward by faithful from:
- Hungary
- Croatia
- Kenya
- Burkina Faso [Upper Volta , Africa]
- Italy
- China
- Peru
- Prayer over the Gifts Sung by the Holy Father.
Immensæ Filii tui caritatis memoriale celebrantes, te, Domine, suppliciter exoramus, ut ejusdem salutaris operis fructus, per Ecclesiæ tuæ ministerium, ad totius mundi proficiat salutem.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
God our Father, through this memorial of the immene love of your Son, grant that the whole human family, through the missionary action of the Church, may taste the fruits of the Redemption.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
- Preface Sung by the Holy Father.
- Sanctus:
- Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus... from Missa XVI de Angelis (Gregorian chant) Sung by choir trebles and congregation, with organ.
- Pleni sunt cæli ... (polyphony by Liberto?) Sung by the men of the choir.
- Hosanna in excelsis... from Missa XVI (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- Hosanna, benedictus qui venit ... (polyphony by Liberto?) Sung by the choir, SATB.
- Hosanna in excelsis... from Missa XVI (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- Eucharistic Prayer I (first half): Roman Canon, Read by the Holy Father, with Cardinal Sodano and Cardinal Sfeir.
- Memorial Acclamation:
- Salvator mundi, salva nos, qui per crucem et reurrectionem tuam liberasti nos. (contemporary setting)
- Lord, by your cross and resurrection you have set us free.
You are the Savior of the world.
- Eucharistic Prayer I (second half): Roman Canon, Read by the Holy Father, with Cardinal Kim and Cardinal Medina Estevez.
- Great Amen: Three-note chant Amen, followed by standard Vatican double choral Amen.
- Pater noster: (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- The Exchange of Peace Sung by the Holy Father and congregation.
- Agnus Dei: from Missa XVI de Angelis (Gregorian chant)
- Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Sung by choir trebles, with organ.
- miserere nobis Sung by the congregation.
- Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Sung by choir trebles, with organ.
- miserere nobis Sung by the congregation.
- Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Sung by choir trebles, with organ.
- dona nobis pacem. Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- Communion:
- Antiphon I: Venite prandete! Sic ait Dominus, alleluia. (Gregorian chant) "Come and eat; thus say the Lord, alleluia."
- Verses: from Psalm 34, Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore... (polyphony by Liberto?) "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
- Antiphon II: Tu es Christus, filius Dei vivi, alleluia. (Gregorian chant) "You are Christ, the Son of the living God, alleluia."
- Verses: from Psalm 23, Dominus pascit me... (polyphony by Liberto?) "The Lord is my shepherd..."
- Prayer after Communion Sung by the Holy Father.
Mensæ cælestis participes effecti, supplices te, Domine, deprecamur, ut, hujus virtute mysterii, Ecclesiam tuam in unitate et caritate confirmes, et me famulum tuum cui pastorale munus tradidisti una cum commisso mihi grege salves semper et munias.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Lord, you have gathered us at this table; through the power of this mystery we pray you confirm in unity and love the Holy Church, with me, your servant, to whom you have entrusted the Petrine ministry, that together, sheep and shepherd, we may walk confidently in the way of salvation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
- Blessing
- Versicle: Deus virtutem convertere. "O God of hosts, turn toward us.
- Response: Domine, Deus virtutum, converte nos.[Ps 80:20] "Lord God of hosts, restore us."
- Versicle: Respice de cælo et vide et visita vineam istam. "Look down from heaven and see; take care of this vine.
- Response: Et protege eam, quam plantavit dextera tua.[Ps 80:15] "Protect what your right hand has planted."
- Versicle: Illustra faciem tuam. "Let your face shine upon us.
- Response: Et salvi erimus.[Ps 80:20] "And we shall be safe."
- Blessing: Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. "May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Response: Amen. "
- Dismissal: from Missa XVI de Angelis (Gregorian chant) Sung by the deacon.
- Marian Antiphon: Regina cœli (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, accompanied.
- Organ Recessional: Toccata and Fugue in d (Johann Sebastian Bach).
The bells of Saint Peter' Basilica pealed exultantly as the Holy Father, in the open popemobile, made his way through the vast crowd in the square, blessing them and ackowledging their exuberant applause.
Behind the Pope were seated his German secretary, Fr. Georg Genswein, and his master of ceremonies, Archbishop Piero Marini.
Walking alongside were the Commandant of the Swiss Guard and the Police Chief of Vatican City.
After finishing the German organ music of Bach's Toccata, the organist, Mr. James Goettsche, played the traditional Vatican version of Christus vincit.