Musical Musings: Music Programs |
Music at Saint Timothy's Church
selected by George Tobias, Organist / Choirmaster
It's always enjoyable (and educational) to look at just what music is being used in neighboring churches... or churches across the country.
We can learn a great deal about liturgical programming, about seasonal appropriateness, and about what music is available ... some of which may be tucked away in our own libraries! Here's a season's worth of music planned for Saint Timothy's Episcopal Church in Roxborough PA, where George Tobias is Organist/Choirmaster.
Advent and Christmastide 2002/2003
- The First Sunday of Advent
- Organ Voluntary -- Prelude on Winchester New (C.S. Lang)
- Mass Music -- Service in D (Leo Sowerby)
- Anthem -- O Thou the Central Orb (Charles Wood)
- Motet -- God Be in My Head (John Rutter)
- Organ Voluntary -- Allegro giocoso (Andrew Wright)
- The Second Sunday of Advent
- Organ Voluntary -- Ah, Leave Us with They Grace (Sigfrid Karg-Elert)
- Mass Music -- Service in D (Leo Sowerby)
- Anthem -- There Shall a Star (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Motet -- Like As a Father (Luigi Cherubini)
- Organ Voluntary -- Fugue in C Major (Gustav Thomas)
- The Third Sunday of Advent
- Organ Voluntary -- Saviour of the Heathen, Come (J.S. Bach)
- Mass Music -- Service in D (Leo Sowerby)
- Anthem -- This Is the Record of John (Orlando Gibbons)
- Motet -- Lord, We Beseech Thee (Adrian Batten)
- Organ Voluntary -- Prelude in d minor (J.S. Bach)
- The Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Organ Voluntary -- Veni Emmanuel (Heathcote Statham)
- Mass Music -- Service in D (Leo Sowerby)
- Anthem -- Gabriel's Message (David Willcocks)
- Motet -- Hail, Blessed Virgin Mary (Charles Wood)
- Organ Voluntary -- Fantasia on Helmsley (Alan Ridout)
- The Eve of Christmas
- Choir Music before Mass --
- The Angels and the Shepherds (C.H. Trevor)
- Puer nobis (R.R. Bennett)
- Bethlehem Down (Peter Warlock)
- The Holly and the Ivy (Walford Davies)
- Mass Music -- Mass of the Quiet Hour (George Oldroyd)
- At the Gospel -- Fanfare for Christmas (Martin Shaw)
- Anthem -- O Bethlehem (Spanish carol)
- Motet -- What Sweeter Music (Ralph Vaughan WIlliams)
- Organ Voluntary -- Deo Gracias (Healey Willan)
- The First Sunday after Christmas
- Lessons and Carols for Christmas
- Mass Music -- Missa Maria Magdalena (Healey Willan)
- Feast of the Epiphany
- Organ Voluntary -- Of the Father's Love Begotten (John Blackburn)
- Mass Music -- Missa Maria Magdalena (Healey Willan)
- Anthem -- All They from Saba Shall Come (Leo Sowerby)
- Motet -- In the Bleak Mid-winter (Harold Darke)
- Organ Voluntary -- A Song of Praise (Colin Hand)
To be continued with other seasonal schedules...