Format: Book
Edition: Softcover
Published by: Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius
Do you want to learn how to pray and sing the Extraordinary Form of the Mass?
Now you can with the help of Missa in cantu & Missa lecta Workbook (and 2 CD Audio Tutorial).
This provides all of the prayers of the Ordo Missæ for priests studying the Extraordinary Form, as well as the Gregorian Chant for the choir members learning to sing for the Mass.
It also includes musical examples for the sacred ministers (i.e. Prophecy Tone, Epistle Tone, Gospel Tone), as sung by priests, deacons, and subdeacons.
The Missa in Cantu & Missa Lecta Workbook is a great gift to a priest or seminarian learning the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
It is also a useful aid to altar boys who are studying their parts.
Choir members just beginning to sing Gregorian Chant Masses will appreciate the inclusion of the popular Missa de Angelis (Kyriale VIII) and Credo III.
Note that an accompanying CD set is also available.

Order #: 9122
Price: $10.00
- Books
- Chant