Use: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany
Required Resources: SAB choir, organ
Optional Resources: percussion
Language: Latin and English
Two sets of Hymn Trilogies by Harry McMurray are published in our catalog. Volume I sets three carols for the Christmas Cycle (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany). Volume II deals with the Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time.
The carols represented are:
- Creator alme siderum [Creator of the Stars of Night]
- Personent hodie
- Divinum mysterium [Of the Father's Love Begotten]
The first is a Medieval hymn for Advent, which the composer sets for unison, two-part or SAB voices on various stanzas, all a cappella. A Latin text and a singable English translation is given.
The second selection, also a Medieval carol, is scored for organ, tambourine, triangle and SAB voices. The sparkling organ accompaniment propels the piece through various textures and key changes to the fortissimo climax on the text "Gloria in excelsis Deo" — followed by a brief pianissimo coda by the choir and a concluding triangle note. There's a lot of good material in this Latin-texted SAB anthem!
The third piece is a setting of the hymn, "Of the Father's Love Begotten," for 2-part mixed voices and organ. The voice parts are easy and the accompaniment is appropriate to the chant-style of the work. Certainly, this is an instant Christmas motet — but one with lasting merit.
Even in his "retirement" Dr. McMurray serves as adjunct faculty at Saint Joseph's Abbey Seminary College in Saint Benedict, Louisiana, where he teaches liturgical music, organ, and Gregorian chant.
His choral compositions have been performed by college choirs in Louisiana and by the Schola Cantorum of Saint Joseph's Abbey, for which many of the works were written.

Order #: 5061
Price: $2.35
- Choral Music
- Advent
- Christmas
- 2-Part Choir
- 3-Part Choir
- Latin/ English
- Instruments
- Chant