Format: Audio CD
Produced by: The Monastic Choir of the Abbey of Saint Peter, Solesmes
The selections on this chant CD are drawn from the Liber cantualis, a very basic collection of simple chants.
This would make a wonderful companion to the Liber cantualis and is an effective way to begin the study of chant, the Roman Rite's own music.
The chants on this CD cover a wide range of themes: music for Mass & Benediction, Marian music, seasonal music (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Pentecost), music for Compline.
Total time is 58:18 minutes.
- Asperges me
- Vidi aquam
- Kyrie XVI
- Gloria XV
- Sanctus XVIII
- Pater noster
- Agnus Dei XVIII
- Adoro te devote
- Jeus dulcis memoria
- Parce Domine
- Tantum ergo III
- Adoremus in æternum
- Salve Regina [simple tone]
- Regina coeli [simple tone]
- Magnificat
- Sub tuum præsidium
- Ave maris stella
- Rorate coeli desuper
- Ecce nomen Domini
- Attende Domine
- Veni Creator Spiritus
- Te lucis ante terminum
- In manus tuas
- Nunc dimittis
- Kyrie XI
- Sanctus XI
- Agnus Dei XI
- Credo III
- Kyrie XVIIC

Order #: 9019
Price: $17.95
- CDs