Use: General
Required Resources: 2-part choir, organ
Language: English
God Be in My Head is an easy, yet effective motet from the master of the canon, Dr. Colin Brumby.
This two-part piece is a strict canon at the unison, meaning that Part 2 sings exactly what Part 1 sings, just a measure later.
What a boon this is for teaching a young choir to sing in parts!
The notes are well within their vocal range (middle C to top-space E-flat) and the composer's skill at melody makes them a pleasure to sing — and not only for young singers.
Middle school, high school and adult choirs will find here a simple yet fulfilling work, requiring little rehearsal time.
The text is a beautiful prayer from the Sarum Primer, a book of prayers and devotions for the Roman Catholic Church that was collected by the clergy at Salisbury Cathedral in the south central part of England.
It contained elements of the Divine Office, including the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Lauds and Vespers for the Dead.
Also included were the Fifteen Gradual Psalms, the Seven Penitenital Psalms and the Litany of the Saints.
This book was originally published in 1514 as the Book of Hours (Cambridge) and republished as the Sarum Primer in Salisbury in 1558.
Sarum is the abbreviation for Sarisburium, the Latin word for Salisbury, which was and is both a city and a diocese in England.
The text of the anthem is:
God be in my head, and in my understanding;
God be in my eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;
God be in my heart, and in my thinking;
God be at mine end, and at my departing.

Order #: 5039
Price: $1.25
- Choral Music
- Ordinary Time
- 2-pt Choir
- Children's Choir