Use: General, Eastertide
Required Resources: SATB choir
Language: English
Hallel (praise) and Yah (Yahweh) gives us the Hebrew word of joyful praise and adoration, Halleluyah.
In Latin, the word has become Allleluia, used at every Mass outside Lent, and sung profusely during Eastertide, where it is a mark of jubilant rejoicing.
"Alleluia in D" relies solely on that word for its text, being sung 53 times.
The inherent calm of the piece is contrasted with a certain sense of urgency, as every entrance occurs after a down beat.
Vocal ranges are quite comfortable, lying within an octave, for the most part:
- Soprano: D to D
- Alto: A to B
- Tenor: D to D
- Bass: A to A
The a cappella motet begins mezzo forte, and the last 12 measures consist of a molto crescendo from piano to fortissimo, for a strong ending.
This is an easy, yet effective piece for use during Eastertide or throughout the year.

Order #: 5048
Price: $1.35
- Choral Music
- Easter
- Ordinary Time
- SATB Choir
- a cappella