Use: Passion, Lent
Required Resources: SATB choir
Language: Latin
Saint Ambrose of Milan (337-397) was one of the great doctors of the Church, immortalized in the bronze sculpture by Bernini at the Altar of the Chair in Saint Peter's Basilica (Rome).
He introduced Eastern hymnody into the Western Church, and has several hymn texts, including Jam surgit hora teria, to his credit.
This hymn is sung at Terce [Mid-morning Prayer] during Passiontide.
Dr. Brumby has set nine verses; the odd verses to a chant-like unison melody, the even verses in a simple, homophonic SATB format.
Particularly singable, this work would make a lovely Communion piece during Lent or Holy Week, and would be perfect on Good Friday, during the Adoration of the Cross or Communion.

Order #: 5118
Price: $1.35
- Choral Music
- Triduum
- Lent
- SATB Choir
- a cappella
- Latin