Use: Eastertide, General
Required Resources: SATB choir
Optional Resources: Organ
Language: English
I Am the Vine is a piece typical of Colin Brumby — tremendously functional and beautifully written.
The text is a paraphrase of the Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter.
Refrain: "I am the vine and ye are the branches; I am the vine, be faithful and true; Ask what ye will, your prayer shall be granted, The Father loved Me, so I have loved you."
Verse 1: Now you are clean through words I have spoken, Living in Me, much fruit ye shall bear; Dwelling in you My promise unbroken, Glory in heav'n with me ye shall share.
Verse 2: Yes, by your fruits the world is to know you. Walking in love as children of day; Follow your Guide, He passes before you, Leading to realms in wondrous array.
As usual with Dr. Brumby's writing, the voice parts are wonderfully singable, with comfortable ranges.
The choral parts are written on two staves, so the organ can easily double the voice parts in rehearsal or performance.
Outside Easter, this piece can also be used for Masses celebrating our community in Christ.

Order #: 5122
Price: $1.35
- Choral Music
- Eastertide
- Ordinary Time
- SATB Choir
- a cappella