Use: General, Communion, Benediction
Required Resources: SATB choir
Language: Latin
Ave verum corpus is a beautiful Latin Eucharistic hymn dating from the 14th century, attributed to the French pope, Innocent VI.
It is often used for Benediction or sung during Communion time, and its English translation is:
Hail, true body, born of the Virgin Mary:
You who truly suffered and were sacrificed on the cross for the sake of man.
From whose pierced side flowed water and blood:
Be a foretaste [of heaven] for us in the trial of death.
O sweet, O merciful, O Jesus, Son of Mary.
Amid prestigious company like Byrd, Mozart, Fauré and others, Colin Brumby has set the text in a dignified, simple manner.
This is an excellent example of Dr. Brumby's choral composing skill;
though not beyond the scope of any choir capable of four parts, the music is compelling and makes expert use of repetition and variation.
This rich motet also has quite limited ranges for most of the voices:
- Soprano: E - E-flat
- Alto: C - A-flat
- Tenor: G - E-flat
- Bass: G - B-flat
The thirty measures of this motet can easily be extended by beginning with the chant version.
This is one of those easy pieces that will make your choir sound fantastic!

Order #: 5129
Price: $1.10
- Choral Music
- Ordinary Time
- Eucharistic
- SATB Choir
- a cappella