Use: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany
Required Resources: 4-part choir
Language: Latin
A consummate composer of canons, Dr. Colin Brumby has given us exquisitely precise settings of three of the most famous Latin texts of the Christmas cycle:
- Advent – Ecce virgo concipiet, et pariet filium: et vocabitur nomen ejus Emmanuel.
- Christmas – Viderunt omnes fines terræ salutare Dei nostri
- Epiphany – Vidimus stellam in ejus in Oriente, et venimus cum muneribus adorare Dominum.
- Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son: and shall call his name Emmanuel.
- All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation by our God.
- We have seen his star in the East, and have come with gifts to adore the Lord.
The very simple, yet elegant, rounds each have four short phrases; the voices sing through them, with staggered entrances, repeating as desired.
At a pre-determined time, all singers jump to the Coda, so the voices all end together.
These versatile rounds can be sung by children or adults, equal voices or mixed voices.
Consider using them with combined choirs, or having instruments play some of the parts
The liturgical origins of the text are:
- Full text of the proper Communion antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Full text of the proper Communion antiphon for Christmas [Mass of the Day]
- Full text of the proper Communion antiphon for Epiphany
What a simple and beautiful way for your choirs to sing some of the real propers this Christmas season!

Order #: 5138
Price: $1.10
- Choral Music
- Liturgical Settings
- Advent
- Christmas
- SATB Choir
- a cappella
- Latin