Use: General
Required Resources: organ, flute (or violin)
Of the eighteen chant Mass settings in the Kyriale (or Graduale Romanum or Gregorian Missal), perhaps the most familiar is Missa VIII, commonly called Missa de Angelis or "Mass of the Angels."
Many American composers, including Alexander Peloquin, have used melodies from this Mass setting in their compositions.
Dr. Glenn Caluda has arranged a meditation for flute and organ, based on the Kyrie melody from Missa VIII.
The first half employs changing time signatures to preserve the fluidity of the chant.
The second half, in common time, explores new melodic material, often based on the chant, but taking occasional rhythmic liberties.
The parts (for flute and for organ) are not difficult, and Meditation on 'Kyrie de Angelis' would make a wonderful prelude or Communion meditation.
The flute part can also be played on violin, or transposed for B-flat clarinet.

Order #: 6063
Price: $3.25
- Organ/Instruments
- Ordinary Time
- Organ
- Instruments