Use: Advent
Required Resources: Unison choir, organ
Language: Latin
Camille Saint-Saëns wrote his Oratorio de Noël [Christmas Oratorio] for performance at Midnight Mass on the first Christmas at his new position as organist at La Madeleine in Paris.
The third movement, Expectans, is an exquisitely beautiful aria for mezzo-soprano.
Our edition condenses the original accompaniment (organ, violin, viola, cello) for organ alone.
The string solos from the score are notated on a separate treble staff, making manual changes easy.
The Latin text, Expectans expectavi Dominum, et intendit mihi translates "I waited patiently for the Lord: and He inclined to me, and heard my cry."
While this certainly can be sung by an alto soloist, it is also very effective for unison choir (either children or adult).
This lovely Romantic era motet can be an easy part of your next Advent or Christmas repertoire.

Order #: 7003
Price: $1.85
- Treasury Series
- Advent
- Unison choir
- Latin