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Intonation and Canzona in d minor

- Michael Starke

Use: General
Required Resources: organ

Michael Starke has written his Intonation and Canzona in d minor in the tradition of the great Renaissance and Baroque composers. Often an "intonation" was a keyboard piece used to set the pitch and key for an ensuing choral work, a sort of "upscale" pitch pipe! The canzona form, a part-song in madrigal style, developed into what is known as an organ canzona, a fugal form in three or more sections. Mr. Starke expertly takes up these definitions in his work.

Intonation and Canzona in d minor is an organ work of medium difficulty. It would make a very nice prelude for Ordinary Time and might be quite effective leading into an Opening Hymn in D Major, e.g. "Jesus Shall Reign" (Duke Street) or "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones" (Lasst uns erfreuen).


Order #: 6035
Price: $3.25


- Organ/Instrumental
- Ordinary Time
- Organ

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