Volume 1 - Advent/Christmas
(Includes: Alma redemptoris mater, Creator alme siderum, Rorate coeli desuper, Great 'O' Antiphons, Hodie Christus natus est, Puer natus in Bethlehem)
Volume 2 - Lent/Easter
(Includes: Attende Domine, Parce Domine, Ave Regina coelorum, Pange lingua gloriosi, Vexilla regis prodeunt, Victimae paschali laudes, Regina coeli, Veni Sancte Spiritus)
Volume 3 - General/Marian
(Includes: Adoro te devote, Asperges me, Ubi caritas, Veni Creator Spiritus, Vidi aquam, Ave Maria, Salve Regina)
Volume 4 - Masses
(Includes: Missa orbis factor, Missa de angelis, Missa adventus et quadragesimae, and Credo III)
Use: General
Required Resources: Unison voice(s)
Language: Latin
For hundreds of years Gregorian chant has been the foundation upon which Catholic liturgical music is built.
Vatican II reaffirmed that this chant is "specially suited to the Roman liturgy" and "should be given pride of place in liturgical services." (Sacrosanctum Concilium #116)
Despite this, chant is rarely used in most Catholic churches in the U.S. today.
A paucity of resources and the added difficulty of learning chant notation can prevent even those who would like to use chant from achieving this end.
To facilitate the use of chant in modern liturgies, we publish a series of inexpensive booklets of chant.
Each booklet contains six to ten chants for a specific season of the liturgical year.
All the chant is set to modern music notation.
The text provided with the music is the original Latin and an English translation appears at the beginning of each piece.
We even include a handy Latin pronounciation guide (on a 4x5-1/2" card) with each booklet, free of charge!
The chant in these booklets provides the foundation for much of the other music in our catalog.
As a result, both the chant and new music may be used together to introduce a congregation to a particular piece of chant, or to help unify the music within a particular liturgical celebration.
For example, use our arrangement of Psalm 96 for the responsorial psalm at Midnight Mass and include the chant on which it is based, Puer natus in Bethlehem, as an anthem at another place in the Mass.

Order #:
Volume 1 - 2001
Volume 2 - 2002
Volume 3 - 2003
Volume 4 - 2004
Price: $2.50
- Liturgical Settings
- Advent
- Christmas
- Lent
- Triduum
- Easter
- Eucharist
- Marian
- Ordinary Time
- a cappella
- Chant
- Latin