- Chant-based trumpet fanfares appropriate to various feasts
- Easily adapted to various processional lengths
- Concludes with choir & congregation joining on "Sing Praise to Our Creator"
This stately processional uses an introductory fanfare for two trumpets to
set the theme for the feast (intros are included for
Pentecost/Confirmation/Ordination, Thanksgiving, Christ the King, and
Easter). This is followed by a section for organ and trumpets which can be
easily adapted to any length procession. This leads into a three-verse
setting of "Sing Praise to Our Creator" to the tune Gott Vater sei gepreisen
[verse 1- choir & congregation in unison; verse 2- choir in 2-part
counterpoint, congregation joining on refrain; verse 3- choral descant over
congregation]. Versatility is a hallmark of Festival Intrada. It can be
as short as a three-verse hymn with brief introduction or it can be fully
utilized as a nearly 200-measure procession on very solemn occasions.

Score (suitable for organist as well as director)
Order #: 3045-s
Price: $8.50 each
Trumpet Parts (in B-flat incl. extra fanfare intros)
Order #: 3045-p
Price: $4.00 per set
Choral Parts
Order #: 3045-c
Price: $1.00 each
- Processionals
- Easter
- Ordination
- Confirmation
- 2-pt Choir
- Congregation
- Instruments