Use: General, Church Dedication, Ordination, Funeral
Required Resources: SATB choir, organ
Language: English
Dr. Colin Brumby has set to music the elegant paraphrase by John Milton of Psalm 84.
The first stanza is quoted here:
How lovely are thy dwellings fair!
O Lord of Hosts, how dear
Thy pleasant tabernacles are,
Where thou dost dwell so near.
Of the five stanzas, the odd numbers are set for SATB choir, accompanied by organ.
A hallmark of Dr. Brumby's writing is the ease and facility of his voice parts; ranges, too, are accessible (Soprano: D-E, Alto: C#-B, Tenor: F#-F#, Bass: G#-A).
Stanza two is set for unison women; stanza four, for unison men.
Psalm 84 is used in the Lectionary for the Dedication of a Church or Altar, for Holy Orders, for the Profession of Religious, and for the Mass for Vocations.
Any of these occasions would be a perfect opportunity for the Brumby setting, as would any Mass or service with a vocations theme.
Colin Brumby not only enjoys a reputation as one of Australia's leading composers in terms of international standing, but is also one of the country's most consistently-played composers.
His large output finds immediate acceptance by both performer and audience alike.

Order #: 5060
Price: $1.85
- Choral Works
- Ordinary Time
- Funeral
- Ordination
- SATB Choir