- Latin text
- for two-part mixed choir
- organ accompaniment, with pedals
This setting of the Magnificat text in Latin is scored for treble voices (boys, girls, women) and men.
Refreshing in style, the Baroque influence is evident in frequent contrapuntal applications of themes, in echo passages between sections, and in straightforward harmonies and progressions.
The ranges are quite comfortable: trebles, middle C to fourth space E; men, tenor C to D above middle C.
The note writing is driven by the Latin text, and proper diction is essential to bring out the vitality of the words.
The organ accompaniment requires an instrument of two manuals with pedal.
It supports the singers in almost a "continuo" fashion, and would be suitably enhanced by doubling (or replacing) the pedal part with cello or bassoon.

Order #: 5070
Price: $1.95
- Choral Music
- Marian
- Ordinary Time
- 2-Part Choir
- Latin