Use: Communion, Corpus Christi
Required Resources: SATB choir
Language: Latin
Here's an earnest testimonial from one of the foremost chant and polyphony directors in the country:
I wanted to tell you about a little piece we sang yesterday at a Church Music Association of America meeting.
It is O sacrum convivium by Michael Lawrence.
It was an instant smash hit.
We brought it home and passed it out to our schola, who just adored it.
We worked on it and it got better and better.
Yesterday we sang it in liturgy, the first modern composition we've done in our four year history.
It was stunning in every way: rich and complex and comfortable to sing.
We had so many comments about it.
I don't know if he is a genius or if his piece is inspired or what, but I somehow feel like this piece needs to heard.
It lasts only a few minutes so it is perfect for communion before a hymn, or after communion.
It is magnificently crafted and sublime in the most simple way.
The motet, originally written in B-flat Major for ATTB choir, is presented here in an SATB format in D Major.
The text is the traditional Magnificat antiphon for Second Vespers of Corpus Christi.

Order #: 5190
Price: $1.25
- Choral Music
- Eucharist
- SATB Choir
- a cappella
- Latin