CNP Ordination Suite
Music for the celebration of an ordination, conveniently packaged and priced to save you money!!
Included in this suite are:
- Processional - Pastoral Processional (Penkala) - 3 copies
- Gospel Acclamation - Gospel Acclamation for Ordinations (Penkala) - 2 copies
- Gospel - from Book of Sung Gospels [single Gospel setting] - 1 copy
- Anthem - Veni Creator Spiritus (Fry) - 3 copies
- Communion - Serve God in Love (Penkala) - 2 copies
- Recessional - Music for a Festive Occasion (Knight) - 1 copy
A $32.45 value, all for only $20!!

Order #: 2975
Price: $20.00
(Value: $32.45 savings of $12.45!!)
- CNP Suites
- Ordinations