Music for the Funeral Mass
of Pope John Paul II (cont.)
- Preface Sung by Cardinal Ratizinger and congregation.
- Sanctus:
- Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus... from Missa XVIII (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- Pleni sunt cæli ... (polyphony by Liberto?) Sung by the choir.
- Hosanna in excelsis... from Missa XVIII (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- Benedictus qui venit ... (polyphony by Liberto?) Sung by the choir.
- Hosanna in excelsis... from Missa XVIII (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- Eucharistic Prayer I (first half): Roman Canon, Read by Cardinal Ratizinger, with Cardinal Sodano and Cardinal Sfeir.
- Memorial Acclamation:
- Salvator mundi, salva nos, qui per crucem et reurrectionem tuam liberasti nos. (Gregorian chant)
- Lord, by your cross and resurrection you have set us free.
You are the Savior of the world.
- Eucharistic Prayer I (second half): Roman Canon, Read by Cardinal Ratizinger, with Cardinal Kim and Cardinal Medina.
- Great Amen: Three-note chant Amen, followed by standard Vatican double choral Amen.
- Pater noster: (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- The Exchange of Peace Sung by Cardinal Ratizinger and congregation.
- Agnus Dei:
- Agnus Dei, qui tollis... miserere nobis. from Missa XVIII (Gregorian chant) Sung by choir trebles twice, with organ.
- Agnus Dei, qui tollis ... (polyphony by Liberto?) Sung by the choir.
- Dona nobis pacem. from Missa XVIII (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
- Dona nobis pacem. [extension] (polyphony by Liberto?) Sung by the choir.
- Communion:
- Antiphon: Lux æterna luceat ei, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in æternum, quia pius es. (Gregorian chant) "May eternal light shine on him, O Lord, with all your saints for ever, for you are rich in mercy."
- Verses: from Psalm 130, De profundis clamavit ad te Domine... (polyphony by Liberto?) "Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord."
- Prayer after Communion Sung by Cardinal Ratizinger.
- Final Commendation
- Invitation to Prayer Read in Latin by Cardinal Ratzinger.
- Dear brothers and sisters, let us entrust to the most gentle mercy of God, the soul of our Pope John Paul II.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede with God so that he might show the face of his blessed Son to our Pope, and console the church with the light of the resurrection.
- The Prayer of the Church of Rome: The Litany of the Saints – Litaniæ sanctorum – Sung in Latin by the cantor and congregation, using the response, Ora pro eo "Pray for him," just as was done at the Transferal of the Body.
Several of the saints that Pope John Paul II had canonized, like Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Saint M. Faustina Kowalska, were added to the litany.
- Prayer, spoken in Italian by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, Vicar for the Diocese of Rome
- Eastern Rite ceremony
- Prayer, sung by the Patriarch; incensation of the coffin.
- Intercessions, sung in Greek, with the response, Kyrie eleison.
- Prayer, read by the Patriarch.
- Prayer, sung by the deacon and choir.
- Sprinkling the Coffin with Holy Water and Incensation
- Antiphon: Et in carne mea videbo Deum. (Gregorian chant) "Yet in my flesh shall I see God."
- Verses: other given texts:
- Credo quod Redemptor meus vivit... (polyphony by Liberto?) "I believe that my Redeemer lives..."
- Ego sum resurrectio et vita... (polyphony by Liberto?) "I am the resurrection and the life..."
- Subvenite Sancti Dei... (polyphony by Liberto?) "Come to his aid, O saints of God..."
- Prayer, in Latin by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secretary of State
- Merciful Father, we commend to your mercy our pope, John Paul II, whom you made successor of Peter and pastor of the Church, intrepid evangelist of the Gospel, and faithful dispenser of the divine mysteries.
Bring him, we pray, into the sanctuary of heaven, to enjoy eternal glory with all the saints.
We give you thanks, Lord, for all the gifts which in your goodness you have given your people.
To the Church, bereft of its Shepherd, give the comfort of faith and the strength of hope.
To you, Father, source of life, in the vivifying Spirit, through Christ, conqueror of death, be all honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Final Antiphon, In paradisum (Gregorian chant) First phrase intoned by men of the choir; all join, accompanied by organ.
In paradisum deducant te angeli: in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres, et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere æternam habeas requiem.
May the angels lead you into paradise: may the martyrs come to welcome you, and lead you to the holy city, Jerusalem.
May choirs of angels welcome you, and with Lazarus who is poor no longer may you have eternal rest.
- Procession to the Place of Burial Magnificat
- Magnificat anima mea Dominum. (polyphony by Liberto?) Sung by the choir, with organ.
- Et exaltavit spiritus meus ... (Gregorian chant) Sung by the congregation, with organ.
The coffin with the remains of Pope John Paul II was carried up the steps and into the basilica, led by Archbishop Piero Marini, Papal Master of Ceremonies.
The pattern of alternating accompanied (!) SATB choral passages with unison congregational chant phrases (also accompanied) continued.
As the coffin was turned and raised for the last time for the crowd to bid farewell, the choir had reached the jubilant Gloria Patri passages – a wonderful conclusion for this impressive ceremony!
Burial Rites: In the Grotto beneath Saint Peter's Basilica
As the coffin was carried through the basilica, other chants were sung:
- Psalm 114 (antiphon: In exitu Israel de Ægypto... "When Israel came forth from Egypt...")
- Psalm 118 (antiphon: Aperite mihi portas justitiæ ... "Open to me the gates of justice...")
- Psalm 42 (antiphon: Quoniam transibam in locum tabernaculi... "In the splendid company of the saints, I will go to the house of God....")
The coffin was carried down to the crypt through Saint Martha's Door
Those participating in the burial service included: the camerlengo, Cardinal Martinez Somalo, who presided, vested in a red cope; Cardinal Ratzinger, the senior cardinal bishop; Cardinal Kim; the archpriest of St. Peter's, Cardinal Marchisano; Cardinal Sodano, the secretary of state; Cardinal Ruini, the vicar for Rome; Archbishop Sandri, the sostituto; Archbishop Harvey, the prefect of the Papal Household; Cardinal Sardi, the vice camerlengo; representative canons of St. Peter's; members of the Papal Household, including Archbishop Dziwisz, the Polish nuns, Angelo the valet, Buzzonetti the doctor; and the papal master of ceremonies, Archbishop Piero Marini, who coordinated the service.
The camerlengo read an invitation to prayer, and the deacon led a series of intercessions for the deceased pope, with the response, Kyrie eleison "Lord, have mercy."
The Lord's Prayer was then recited.
The camerlengo then prayed again for the deceased pope, concluding with the familiar formula:
Requiem æterna dona ei Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
The cypress coffin was then bound with red ribbons, on which were the lead seals of the Apostolic Camera (the Camerlengo's office), the Prefecture of the Papal Household, the canons of St. Peter's, and the Office of Papal Liturgical Ceremonies.
This bound coffin was then placed in a zinc casket, which was immediately soldered closed.
The pope's coat of arms were soldered to the top before it was placed inside a walnut casket.
While the now-triple casket was being lowered into the crypt, all sang the Marian antiphon, Salve, Regina "Hail, holy queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope."
The notary of the chapter of canons of Saint Peter's Basilica then read to those present the legal document certifying the pope's burial in this spot; this was signed by a delegate of the Camerlengo and a delegate of the Prefect of the Papal Household; one copy of the document was signed with the camerlengo as witness, the other with the prefect as witness.
A marble slab was placed over the tomb, which was the same tomb wherein lay the body of Pope John XXIII prior to its being moved to a glass casket under one of the altars in the basilica above, after Blessed John XXIII's beatification in 2000.