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The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (EF)

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Latin Title: In Nativitate S. Joannis Baptistæ

Rank: 1st Class


De ventre matris meæ vocávit me Dóminus nómine meo: et pósuit os meum ut gládium acútum: sub teguménto manus suæ protéxit me, et pósuit me quasi sagittam eléctam. [Isaias 49:1,2] Ps. Bonum est confitéri Dómino: et psállere nómini tuo, Altíssime. [Psalm 91:2]
Glória Patri …
De ventre matris …

The Lord hath called me by my name from the womb of my mother, and He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hath protected me, and hath made me as a chosen arrow. [Isaias 49:1,2]
Ps. It is good to give praise to the Lord, and to sing to Thy name, O Most High. [Psalm 91:2]
Glory be to the Father …
The Lord …


Deus, qui præséntem diem honorábilem nobis in beáti Joánnis nativitáte fecísti: da pópulis tuis spirituálium grátiam gaudiórum; et ómnium fidélium mentes dírige in viam salútis ætérnæ. Per Dóminum nostrum.

O God, who hast made this day worthy of honor by the birth of blessed John: grant to Thy people the grace of spiritual joys, and direct the minds of all the faithful into the way of eternal salvation. Through our Lord.


[Isaias 49:1-3,5,6,7] Audíte, ínsulæ, et atténdite, pópuli de longe: Dóminus ab útero vocávit me, de ventre matris meæ recordátus est nóminis mei. Et pósuit os meum quasi gládium acútum: in umbra manus suæ protéxit me, et pósuit me sicut sagittam eléctam: in pháretra sua abscóndit me. Et dixit mihi: Servus meus es tu, Israël, quia in te gloriábor. Et nunc dicit Dóminus, formans me ex útero servum sibi: Ecce dedi te in lucem géntium, ut sis salus mea usque ad extrémum terræ. Reges videbunt, et consúrgent príncipes, et adorábunt propter Dóminum, et sanctum Israël, qui elégit te.

[Isaias 49:1-3,5,6,7] Give ear, ye islands, and hearken, ye people from afar. The Lord hath called me from the womb, from the bowels of my mother He hath been mindful of my name. And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hath protected me, and hath made me as a chosen arrow; in His quiver He hath hidden me. And He said to me: Thou art My servant Isræl, for in thee will I glory. And now saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be His servant: Behold I have given thee to be the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be My salvation even to the farthest part of the earth. Kings shall see and princes shall rise up, and adore for the Lord’s sake, and for the Holy One of Isræl, who hath chosen thee.


[Jeremias 1:5,9] Priúsquam te formárem in útero, novi te: et ántequam exíres de ventre, sanctificávi te. Misit Dóminus manum suam, et tétigit os meum, et dixit mihi.

[Jeremias 1:5,9] Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee. The Lord put forth His hand, and touched my mouth: and he said to me.


[Luke 1:76] Allelúia, allelúia. Tu, puer, prophéta Altíssimi vocáberis: præíbis ante Dóminum paráre vias ejus. Allelúia.

[Luke 1:76] Alleluia, alleluia. Thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest; thou shalt go before the Lord to prepare His ways. Alleluia.


[Luke 1:57-68] Elísabeth implétum est tempus pariéndi, et péperit fílium. Et audiérunt vicíni, et cognáti ejus, quia magnificávit Dóminus misericórdiam suam cum illa, et congratulabántur ei. Et factum est in die octávo, venérunt circumcídere púerum, et vocábant eum nómine patris sui Zacharíam. Et respóndens mater ejus dixit: Nequáquam, sed vocábitur Joánnes. Et dixérunt ad illam: Quia nemo est in cognatióne tua, qui vocétur hoc nómine. Innuébant autem patri ejus, quem vellet vocári eum. Et póstulans pugillárem, scripsit, dicens: Joánnes est nomen ejus. Et miráti sunt univérsi. Apértum est autem íllico os ejus, et lingua ejus, et loquebátur benedícens Deum. Et factus est timor super omnes vicínos eórum: et super ómnia montána Judǽæ divulgabántur ómnia verba hæc: et posuérunt omnes qui audíerant in corde suo, dicéntes: Quis, putas, puer iste erit? Etenim manus Dómini erat cum illo. Et Zacharías pater ejus replétus est Spíritu Sancto, et prophetávit, dicens: Benedíctus Dóminus Deus Israël, quia visitávit et fecit redemptiónem plebes suæ.

[Luke 1:57-68] Elizabeth’s full time of being delivered was come, and she brought forth a son. And her neighbors and kinsfolk heard that the Lord hath showed His great mercy towards her, and they congratulated with her. And it came to pass that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they called him by his father’s name, Zachary. And his mother answering, said, Not so, but he shall be called John. And they said to her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by that name. And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called. And demanding a writing table, he wrote, saying, John is his name: and they all wondered. And immediately his mouth was opened, and his tongue loosed; and he spoke, blessing God. And fear came upon all their neighbors; and all these things were noised abroad over all the hill country of Judea; and they that had heard them, laid them up in their heart, saying, What a one, think ye, shall this child be? For the hand of the Lord was with him. And Zachary his father was filled with the Holy Ghost; and he prophesied, saying: Blessed be the Lord of Isræl, because He hath visited, and wrought the redemption of His people.


Justus ut palma florébit: sicut cedrus, quæ in Líbano est, multiplicábitur. [Psalm 91:13]

The just shall flourish like the palm-tree; he shall grow up like the cedar of Libanus. [Psalm 91:13]


Tua, Dómine, munéribus altaria cumulámus: illíus nativitátem honóre débito celebrántes, qui Salvatórem mundi et cécinit adfutúrum et adésse monstrávit, Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat.

We heap our gifts upon Thine Altars, O Lord, as we celebrate with due honor the Birthday of him who both proclaimed the coming of the Savior of the world and pointed Him out when come, even our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who liveth and reigneth.

Preface: The Common Preface

Vere dignum et justum est, ǽquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper, et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus: per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Per quem majestátem tuam laudant ángeli, adórant Dominatiónes, tremunt Potestátes. Cœli, cœlorúmque Virtútes ac beáta Séraphim sócia exsultatióne concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces, ut admítti júbeas, deprecámur, súpplici confessióne dicéntes: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus.

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to Thee, holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God, through Christ our Lord: through Whom Angels praise Thy Majesty, Dominations worship, Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the hosts of heaven with blessed Seraphim unite, exult, and celebrate; and we entreat that Thou wouldst bid our voices too be heard with theirs, singing with lowly praise: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Tu, puer, prophéta Altíssimi vocáberis: præíbis enim ante fáciem Dómini paráre vias ejus. [Luke 1:76]

Thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest; for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways. [Luke 1:76]


Sumat Ecclésia tua, Deus, beáti Joánnis Baptístæ generatióne lætítiam: per quem suæ regeneratiónis cognóvit auctórem, Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat.

Let Thy Church, O Lord, rejoice at the birth of blessed John the Baptist; through whom she came to know the Author of her own new birth, even our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord: Who liveth and reigneth.

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