Hymns and Carols
- All Creatures of Our God and King - an hymn setting for SATB voices
- The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came - a carol setting for SATB voices
- At The Cross Her Station Keeping (organ)
- Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation - a festival setting for SATB choir, congregation and instruments
- Credo - a setting for SATB voices and organ
- Ecce sacerdos / Lauda anima - antiphon for the Solemn Liturgical Reception of a Bishop
- Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - for SATB choir, congregation, organ and brass
- Hymn Resource Collection
A collection of fresh, original - yet "traditional" - hymn texts for congregational use, set to new, singable hymn tunes.
Using repertoire from the CNP Hymn Resource Collection is a valuable way to introduce new hymns and carols of enduring quality to your congregation.
- Hymns for the Liturgical Year
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today - for SATB choir, organ, trumpets and congregation
- Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending - for SATB choir, organ and children's choir or congregation
- New Hymn Accompaniments, Vol. 1 (for organ)
- New Hymn Accompaniments, Vol. 2 (for organ)
- New Hymn Accompaniments, Vol. 3 (for organ)
- Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling - a Eucharistic anthem for SATB choir
- O Come, All Ye Faithful - a carol setting for SATB choir and congregation
- Of the Father's Love Begotten - an anthem for SATB voices (Motyka)
- Only-begotten, Word of God - a setting for SATB choir and congregation
- Orchestral/Organ accompaniment for "Joy to the World"
- Ten New Carols for Advent and Christmas
- Ten New Carols for Advent and Christmas - Volume 2
- Variations on Old Hundredth (for organ)
- Wake, Awake - an Advent anthem for SAB choir
- When in Our Music God is Glorified (for organ)
Liturgical Categories
- Choral Music
- Hymns and Carols
- Liturgical Settings
- Organ/Instrumental
- Processionals
- Psalms
- Treasury Series