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General Hymns

- Rev. Albert H. Ledoux / B. Andrew Mills / Gary D. Penkala /
  Rev. George W. Rutler / Lisa Stafford / Joseph P. Swain

Use: General
Required Resources: congregation, organ
Optional Resources: unison or SATB choir
Language: English

When you order one of the new hymns in this collections, you'll receive an 8½ x 11 accompaniment page with all verses and full harmonization, a 5½ x 8½ congregation page with melody line and all verses, and permission to reproduce these for use in your parish. All this is available for only $8.50 per title!

  • Hymn for Saint Agnes (Order #4401)
    Text & tune: Rev. George W. Rutler   Harmonization: B. Andrew Mills
    Tune name: 43rd Street
    Number of verses: 5
    Time signature / length: 6/4; 8 measures
    Range: C - D
    Father George Rutler, currently pastor of The Church of Our Saviour in Manhattan, wrote this hymn for the early martyr, Saint Agnes, when he was pastor of the church dedicated to her on 43rd Street in New York City.
  • Hymn for Saint Patrick (Order #4402)
    Text & tune: Rev. George W. Rutler   Harmonization: B. Andrew Mills
    Tune name: Aigli
    Number of verses: 5
    Time signature / length: 4/4; 8 measures
    Range: D - D
    A little Irish lilt graces the melody of this hymn by Father George Rutler, well-known for his many series on EWTN. The strength of the saint and the flame of his missionary zeal is recorded in this sturdy text.
  • Our Search for God (Order #4403)
    Gary Penkala
    Tune name: Rest in Thee
    Number of verses: 6
    Time signature / length: 2/2 - 3/2; 8 measures
    Range: D - C
    This hymn speaks of a search for God which goes beyond Church, prayer, music, art and community, to find Him in our love and care for one another.
  • Christian People (Order #4421)
    text: Rev. Albert H. Ledoux; music: Gary Penkala
    Tune name: Waupelani
    Meter: D
    Number of verses: 3 verses [common verses 1 & 3; 4 different versions of verse 2]
    Time signature / length: 2/2; 17 measures
    Range: C - D
    This is really four hymns; verses 1 and 3 are common to all. Four versions of verse 2 makes the hymn usable for Pentecost, Assumption, All Saints, and any celebration of Church. Purchasers of this hymn will receive two editions [one with Pentecost/Church verses, the other with Assumption/All Saints verses]. This hymn is also found in CNP's Universal Music for Evening Prayer, with the Pentecost verse only.
  • The Lord My Light (Order #4422)
    Joseph P. Swain
    Tune name: Dominus illuminatio mea
    Number of verses: 3
    Time signature / length: Common Time; 16 measures
    Range: C - D
    This paraphrase of Psalm 27 is written by Dr. Joseph P. Swain of Columbia University . This hymn is also found in CNP's Universal Music for Morning Prayer.
  • Bravely On (Order #4429)
    text and music: Lisa Stafford
    Tune name: Fortitudo
    Number of verses: 5 verses
    Time signature / length: 4/4; 8 measures
    Range: C - D
    A text filled with hope and courage matched with a minor key melody; optional descant is included on the accompaniment page


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$8.50 per hymn


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