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Liturgical Information
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Liturgical Color: Green

Themes: forgiveness, love, mercy

Entrance Antiphon [Introit]:

O Lord, I trust in your merciful love.
My heart will rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord who has been bountiful with me.Psalm 13:6 [Roman Missal]

Domine, in tua misericordia speravi: exsultavit cor meum in salutari tuo: cantabo Domino, qui bona tribuit mihi.
Ps. Usquequo Domine oblivisceris me in finem? usquequo avertis faciem tuam a me? [Graduale Romanum, p.278]

Domine, in tua misericordia speravi: exsultavit cor meum in salutari tuo: cantabo Domino, qui bona tribuit mihi.
Ps. Usquequo Domine oblivisceris me in finem? usquequo avertis faciem tuam a me? [Gregorian Missal, p.457]

Choose one Antiphona ad introitum and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that, always pondering spiritual things,

we may carry out in both word and deed
that which is pleas-ing to you.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Ho-ly Spirit,
one God, for ev-er and ev-er. A-men.

Lectionary Readings:

  • Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 [You shall love your neighbor as yourself.]
  • Psalm 103:1-2 / 3-4 / 8,10 / 12-13 [R. The Lord is kind and merciful. /v.8a]
  • I Corinthians 3:16-23 [All things belong to you, and you to Christ, and Christ to God.]
  • Gospel Verse: I Jn 2:5 [Whoever keeps the word of Christ, the love of God is truly perfected in him.]
  • Matthew 5:38-48 [Love your enemies.]

Offertory Antiphon:

Heed my call for help, my king and my God! To you I pray, O Lord. Psalm 5:3-4a **
Verses of Psalm 113 or Psalm 125 can also be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.

Intende voci orationis meae, Rex meus, et Deus meus: quoniam ad te orabo, Domine. [Graduale Romanum, p.280]

Intende voci orationis meae, Rex meus, et Deus meus: quoniam ad te orabo, Domine. [Gregorian Missal, p.459]

Choose one Antiphona ad offertorium and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]

Prayer over the Offerings:

As we celebrate your mysteries, O Lord,
with the observance that is your due,

we humbly ask you,
that what we offer to the honor of your majesty
may profit us for sal-vation.

Through Christ our Lord. A-men.

Preface VII of the Sundays in Ordinary Time: [Salvation through the obedience of Christ]

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.

For you so loved the world
that in your mercy you sent us the Redeemer,
to live like us in all things but sin,
so that you might love in us what you loved in your Son,
by whose obedience we have been restored to those gifts of yours
that, by sinning, we had lost in disobedience.

And so, Lord, with all the Angels and Saints,
we, too, give you thanks, as in exultation we acclaim:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts…

Communion Antiphon:

I will recount all your wonders,
I will rejoice in you and be glad,
and sing psalms to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:2-3

— or —

Lord, I have come to believe that you are the Christ,
the Son of the living God,
who is coming into this world.Jn 11:27 [Roman Missal]

Narrabo omnia miriabilia tua: laetabor, et exsultabo in te: psallam nomini tuo, Altissime.. Psalm 9:2-3 [Graduale Romanum, p.281]
Psalm 9:8,9,10,11,12,13 can also be sung between repetitions of this antiphon.

Narrabo omnia miriabilia tua: laetabor, et exsultabo in te: psallam nomini tuo, Altissime.. Psalm 9:2-3 [Gregorian Missal, p.460]

Choose one Antiphona ad communionem and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]

Prayer after Communion:

Grant, we pray, almighty God,

that we may experience the effects of the salvation
which is pledged to us by these mysteries.

Through Christ our Lord. A-men.

** An official, approved English translation of the Offertory Antiphon has never been published. The offertory antiphon used here is from the New American Bible, a Scripture translation approved for liturgical use in the United States.

CanticaNOVA Publications / PO Box 1388 / Charles Town WV 25414-7388
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