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Liturgical Information
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Liturgical Color: Green

Themes: providence, protection, children of God, faith, preparedness

Entrance Antiphon [Introit]:

Look to your covenant, O Lord,
and forget not the life of your poor ones for ever.
Arise, O God, and defend your cause,
and forget not the cries of those who seek you. Psalm 74:20,19,22,23 [Roman Missal]

Respice, Domine, in testamentum tuum, et animas pauperum tuorum ne derelinquas in finem: exsurge Domine, et iudica causam tuam: et ne obliviscaris voces quærentium te.
Ps. Ut quid Deus repulisti in finem: iratus est furor tuus super oves pascuæ tuæ? Psalm 74:20,19,22,23,1 [Graduale Romanum, p.319]

Respice, Domine, in testamentum tuum, et animas pauperum tuorum ne derelinquas in finem: exsurge Domine, et iudica causam tuam: et ne obliviscaris voces quærentium te.
Ps. Ut quid Deus repulisti in finem: iratus est furor tuus super oves pascuæ tuæ? Psalm 74:20,19,22,23,1 [Gregorian Missal, p.522]

Choose one Antiphona ad introitum and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]


Al- mighty ever-living God,
whom, taught by the Holy Spirit,
we dare to call our Fa- ther,

bring, we pray, to perfection in our hearts
the spirit of adoption as your sons and daugh- ters,

that we may merit to enter into the inheritance
which you have promised.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Ho-ly Spirit,
one God, for ev-er and ev-er. A-men.

Lectionary Readings:

  • Wisdom 18:6-9 [Your people awaited the salvation of the just. /v.7]
  • Psalm 33:1,12 / 18-19 / 20-22 [R. Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own. /v.12b]
  • Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 [Abraham was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. /v.10]
  • Gospel Verse: Mt 24:42a,44 [Speak, Lord, your servant is listening; you have the words of everlasting life.]
  • Luke 12:32-48 ["Do not be afraid, little flock." /v.32]

Offertory Antiphon:

But my trust is in you, O Lord; I say, "You are my God." In your hands is my destiny.Psalm 31:15-16a
Verses of Psalm 125 can also be sung between repetitions of the antiphon.

In te speravi, Domine: dixi: Tu es Deus meus, in manibus tuis tempora mea. Psalm 31:15,16 [Graduale Romanum, p.322]

In te speravi, Domine: dixi: Tu es Deus meus, in manibus tuis tempora mea. Psalm 31:15,16 [Gregorian Missal, p.525]

Choose one Antiphona ad offertorium and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]

Prayer over the Offerings:

Be pleased, O Lord, to accept the offerings of your Church,
for in your mercy you have given them to be of- fered

and by your power you transform them
into the mystery of our sal- vation.

Through Christ our Lord. A-men.

Preface III of Sundays in Ordinary Time: [The salvation of man by a man]

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.

For we know it belongs to your boundless glory,
that you came to the aid of mortal beings with your divinity
and even fashioned for us a remedy out of mortality itself,
that the cause of our downfall
might become the means of our salvation,
through Christ our Lord.

Through him the host of Angels adores your majesty
and rejoices in your presence for ever.
May our voices, we pray, join with theirs
in one chorus of exultant praise, as we acclaim:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts…

Communion Antiphon:

O Jerusalem, glorify the Lord,
who gives you your fill of finest wheat. Psalm 147:12,14 [Roman Missal]

— or —

The bread that I will give, says the Lord,
is my flesh for the life of the world. John 6:51 [Roman Missal]

(C) Beatus servus, quem, cum venerit Dominus, invenerit vigilantem: amen dico vobis, super omnia bona sua constituet eum. Matthew 24:46-47 [Graduale Romanum, p.491]
Psalm 33:1,2,3,4,5,12,13,14,18,19,20,21,22 -or- Psalm 72:1,2,4,10,11,12,13 -or- Psalm 121:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 can also be sung between repetitions of this antiphon.

(C) Beatus servus, quem, cum venerit Dominus, invenerit vigilantem: amen dico vobis, super omnia bona sua constituet eum. Matthew 24:46-47 [Gregorian Missal, p.526]

Choose one Antiphona ad communionem and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]

Prayer after Communion:

May the communion in your Sacrament
that we have consumed, save us, O Lord;

and, confirm us in the light of your truth.

Through Christ our Lord. A-men.

Solemn Blessing: [9. Ordinary Time I]

May the Lord
bless you and keep you.

May he let his face shine upon you
and show you his mercy.

May he turn his countenace towards you
and give you his peace.

And may the blessing of almighty God,
the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
come down on you and remain with you for ever.

** An official, approved English translation of the Offertory Antiphon has never been published. The offertory antiphon used here is from the New American Bible, a Scripture translation approved for liturgical use in the United States.

CanticaNOVA Publications / PO Box 1388 / Charles Town WV 25414-7388
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