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Liturgical Planning (Year A)   Year A  |   Year B  |   Year C

Feasts and Solemnities in Ordinary Time

To see the liturgical information for a particular day, press the L button to the left of the description. To see music suggestions for the same day, press the M button next to it.

 L  M Presentation of the Lord  February 2
 L  M Most Holy Trinity (A)
 L  M Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ [Corpus Christi] (A)
 L  M Vigil of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist  June 23
 L  M Nativity of Saint John the Baptist  June 24
 L  M Vigil of Saints Peter and Paul  June 28
 L  M Saints Peter and Paul  June 29
 L  M Transfiguration of the Lord  August 6
 L  M Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother  August 14
 L  M Assumption of the Blessed Mother  August 15
 L  M Exaltation of the Holy Cross  September 14
 L  M All Saints  November 1
 L  M Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed [All Souls]  November 2
 L  M Dedication of the Lateran Basilica  November 9
 L  M Our Lord Jesus Christ the King (A)

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