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The Fourth Sunday of Lent [Lætare] (C)

Liturgical Music

Official texts

  • Introit:
    1. Lætare Ierusalem [Graduale Romanum, p.108]
    2. Lætare Ierusalem [Gregorian Missal, p.259/280]
    3. In tribulatione [Graduale simplex, p.102]
    4. In tribulatione mea (Ascanio Trombetti)
    5. Rejoice, O Jerusalem [Simple English Propers, p.75 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    6. Rejoice, Jerusalem [Lumen Christi Missal, p.920 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    7. Rejoice, Jerusalem [Simple Choral Gradual, p.59 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    8. Rejoice, Jerusalem [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.22, Mode 5 / OCP]
    9. Rejoice, Jerusalem [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 5 versions, pp.187-189 / Ignatius Press]
    10. Rejoice, Jerusalem [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.46, with Psalm 122[121] / Liturgical Press]
    11. Rejoice, Jerusalem [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #196, with Psalm 122 / Illuminare Publications]
    12. In my distress [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.48, with Psalm 118 / Liturgical Press]
    13. Rejoice, Jerusalem! [tune: Truro] from Introit Hymns #18 (Christoph Tietze)
    14. Rejoice, Jerusalem [Mass Propers for Lent (Penkala) p.2, with Psalm 51]
  • Gradual (Responsorial Psalm):
    1. Lætatus sum [Graduale Romanum, p.336]
    2. Lætatus sum [Gregorian Missal, p.260/281] 
    3. Lætatus sum (Adam Gumpelzhaimer, Alessandro Scarlatti, Antonio Vivaldi)
    4. Adiutor in tribulationibus [Graduale simplex, p.103]
    5. The Lord will be a refuge (George J. Webb)
    6. Domine, exaudi vocem meam [Graduale simplex, p.104]
    7. Domine exaudi vocem (David Thoman)
    8. Psalm 9: The Lord is a stronghold [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.49 / Liturgical Press]
    9. Chabanel Psalmody
    10. Parish Book of Psalms (Arlene Oost-Zinner)
    11. Common Psalms for Schools & Parishes (Thomas Cosley)
  • Tract (Gospel Acclamation):
    1. Qui confidunt [Graduale Romanum, p109]
    2. Qui confidunt [Gregorian Missal, p.261/282]
    3. Qui verbum Dei [Graduale simplex, p.105]
    4. De profundis [Graduale simplex, p.106]
    5. Psalm 130: Out of the depths [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.50 / Liturgical Press]
    6. Keep the word of God [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.51 / Liturgical Press]
    7. Psalm 130: Out of the depths [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.51 / Liturgical Press]
    8. De profundis (Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Nicolaus Bruhns, Josquin des Prez, Christoph Willibald Gluck, Andreas Hammerschmidt, Estêvão Lopes Morago, W.A. Mozart, Jan Pietersoon Sweelinck)
  • Offertory:
    1. Illumina oculos meos [Graduale Romanum, p.290]
    2. Illumina oculos meos [Gregorian Missal, p.475/489]
    3. Bonum est confiteri [Graduale simplex, p.106]
    4. Bonum est confiteri (Robert Führer, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
    5. Praise the Lord, for he is loving [Simple English Propers, p.76 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    6. The Lord does whatever he wills [Simple Choral Gradual, p.60 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    7. Enlighten my eyes [Simple English Propers, p.77 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    8. (C) Give light to my eyes [Lumen Christi Missal, p.921 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    9. Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good [Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.190-192 / Ignatius Press]
    10. (C) Give light to my eyes [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #198, with Psalm 13 / Illuminare Publications]
    11. It is good to give thanks [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.51, with Psalm 92 / Liturgical Press]
    12. Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good [Mass Propers for Lent (Penkala) p.3, with Psalm 91]
  • Communion:
    1. (C) Oportet te fili gaudere [Graduale Romanum, p.95]
    2. (C) Oportet te fili gaudere [Gregorian Missal, p.264/286]
    3. Introibo ad altare Dei [Graduale simplex, p.107]
    4. (C) Oportet te fili gaudere [Communio, p.173 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    5. Jerusalem, built as a city [Simple English Propers, p.78 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    6. My son, you should rejoice [Choral Communio, p.38 (Richard Rice) Hostia Laudis Co]
    7. The Lord rubbed my eyes [Simple Choral Gradual, p.61 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    8. The Lord made some clay [Simple English Propers, p.79 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    9. (C) You must rejoice, my son [Lumen Christi Missal, p.921 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    10. To Jerusalem [Simple Choral Gradual, p.62 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    11. My son, you should rejoice [Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons (Andrew Motyka)]
    12. (C) You must rejoice, my son [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.23, Mode 8 / OCP]
    13. (C) You must rejoice, my son [Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 5 versions, pp.196-198 / Ignatius Press]
    14. (C) You must rejoice, my son [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.48, with Psalm 32[31] / Liturgical Press]
    15. (C) You must rejoice, my son [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #200, with Psalm 32 / Illuminare Publications]
    16. (C) You should rejoice, my son [Communion Antiphons for Lent (Richard J. Clark) with Psalm 32 / GIA Publications]
    17. I will go to the altar of God [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.52, with Psalms 43,42 / Liturgical Press]
    18. (C) You must rejoice, my son [Mass Propers for Lent (Penkala) p.5, with Psalm 130]
  • Mass settings:
    1. Latin Chant Mass XVII (Adventus et Quadragesimae)
    2. Mass of Saint Agnes (B. Andrew Mills)
    3. Missa Deus Genitor alme (Harry McMurray)
    4. Wondrous Love: A Mass for Lent (J. William Greene)

Other liturgical music


  • Christ Is the World's Light (CBW #543, HPSC #130, WIII #543, CD #897, EH #258)
  • Come unto Me, Ye Weary (HPSC #142)
  • God, You Are Clothed in Light (HH #81)
  • I Lift My Eyes to You, O Lord (Kathleen Pluth) from Hymns for the Liturgical Year
  • Lord Jesus, As We Turn from Sin (HPSC #213, HH #63, CH #241, SMH #620)
  • Lord Jesus, Have Pity on Us (CH #240)
  • My Song Is Love Unknown (CH #258, HH #90, WIII #439, CHB #65, SMH #635, LCH #47, CBH #166)
  • O Christ, You Are the Light of Day (HH #87, CBW #723)
  • O Taste and See (HPSC #265, PMB #193)
  • Our Father, We Have Wandered (WIII #755, HPSC #274, ICEL #255, CH #401)
  • Praise to the Holiest in the Height (CBW #651, PMB #131, ICEL #50, HPSC #285, CBW #651, AH #615, CH #514, CHB #260, SMH #719, EH #343, VII #287, SEC #922, CBH #227)
  • Take Up Your Cross (WIII #634, ICEL #51, HPSC #309, CD #927, PMB #44, HH #68, CBW #485, CH #651, SMH #770, LCH #48, CBH #250)
  • Tell His Praise in Song and Story (HPSC #310)
  • What Wondrous Love Is This? (CD #822, WIII #600, HH #95, PMB #157, ICEL #164, CH #530, HH #95, SMH #828, LCH #50)
AH = The Adoremus Hymnal, Ignatius Press
CBH = A Catholic Book of Hymns, Sacred Music Library
CBW = Catholic Book of Worship II / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
CD = Cantate Domino / Hymnal Supplement, GIA Publications, Inc.
CH = The Collegeville Hymnal, The Liturgical Press
CHB = The Catholic Hymn Book [London Oratory], Gracewing Publishers
EH = The Hymnal 1940 (Episcopal), used by many Anglican Use Roman Catholic parishes
HH = Hymnal of the Hours, GIA Publications, Inc.
HPSC = Hymns, Psalms & Spiritual Canticles, out of print but excellent
ICEL = ICEL Resource Collection, GIA Publications, Inc.
LCH = Lumen Christi Hymnal, Illuminare Publications
PMB = People's Mass Book, World Library Publications, Inc.
SEC = Saint Edmund Campion Hymnal & Missal, Corpus Christi Watershed
SMH = The Saint Michael Hymnal – 4th Edition 2011, Saint Boniface Church, Lafayette IN
VII = Vatican II Hymnal, Corpus Christi Watershed
WIII = Worship, 3rd Edition, GIA Publications, Inc.

Choral Music

  • Author of Light (Campion/Knapicius)
  • Ave verum (Timothy Flynn)
  • Be in My Seeing (Wayne L. Wold) [Selah Publishing Co]
  • Behold the Lamb of God from Messiah (G.F. Handel)
  • Create My Nature (Joseph Knapicius)
  • God So Loved the World from The Crucifixion (John Stainer)
  • God So Loved the World (Melchior Vulpius) [Concordia]
  • God Was in Jesus (Johannes Herbst) [Boosey & Hawkes]
  • Greater Love Hath No Man (John Ireland)
  • Gustate et videte (Heinrich Isaac)
  • Humbly I Adore Thee (J. David Hart) CNP Catalog #5019
  • Lætare Jerusalem (Gregorian chant) Proper Introit for Lent IV [Liber usualis, p.559]
  • O Bread of Life (Robert Benson)
  • O God, Thou Faithful God" (Johannes Brahms)
  • O Savior of the World (John Goss)
  • O Taste and See (R. Evan Copley) [Augsburg]
  • O Taste and See (Ralph Vaughan Williams) [Oxford]
  • Parce Domine from Simple Latin Motets (Colin Brumby)
  • Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (R. Evan Copley)
  • Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs from Messiah (G.F. Handel)
  • Suscepit Israel from Magnificat in D (J.S. Bach)
  • Tristis est anima mea (G.B.Martini / ed. Andrea Angelini)
  • Wondrous Love (arr. Paul Christiansen) [Augsburg]

Organ Music

Rubrics indicate that the organ remain silent during Lent, except on Læetare Sunday or on other solemnities or festive days or at any time to accompany singing. Organ music may then be used today during Mass, as solo preludes, meditations and postludes, in addition to accompanying singing. It should, however, still retain a Lenten flavor and not be overly exuberant, which would detract from the festivity of Easter.

  • Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht (Georg Böhm) from The Church Organist's Golden Treasury, Vol.1 [Oliver Ditson Co.]
  • Christus, der uns selig macht (J.S. Bach) from Orgelbüchlein
  • Christus, der ist mein Leben (Sigfid Karg-Elert)
  • Contrapunctus I from The Art of Fugue (J.S. Bach)
  • Hymnus tempore quadragesimali (Samuel Scheidt)
  • Kyrie/Christe/Kyriefrom Mass for the Parishes (François Couperin)
  • Meditation on Adoro te devote (Alfred Fedak) [Selah Publishing Co]
  • Variations on Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht (Georg Böhm)
  • Versets for Kyrie orbis factor (Tim Attride)

Liturgical Hints & Ideas

This is Lætare Sunday, a title derived from the opening text of the Latin proper Introit: "Lætare, Ierusalem…" (Rejoice, Jerusalem). What an opportunity is missed if we musicians don't sing that lovely Gregorian Introit, with perhaps a note in a liturgy sheet explaining its connection with the title of the Sunday. Of course, rose vestments should be worn, the organ should be played, and flowers (of a Lenten sort) should adorn the sanctuary. Otherwise, this is just another Sunday in Lent.

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