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The New Lambs of Christ:
Music for the Baptism Rite

- Gary D. Penkala


Use: Baptism
Required Resources: 2 voices
Language: English, Latin

Here is music for the Baptism rite that can be sung without accompaniment -- right at the font. Included are an opening processional, a setting of Psalm 27, music for walking to and from the font, and suggestions for closing music. The text and melody of Dom J. Pothier's beautiful "Isti sunt angi novelli" (These are the new lambs) is freely adapted and arranged for soprano and alto voices. The congregation can easily join on the refrain for Psalm 27 which uses the English translation from the New American Bible. English translations of the Latin anthems are provided for use in liturgy sheets, if desired.


Order #: 3030
Price: 1 - $3.50/
2 or more - $2.25


Liturgical Settings
- Baptism
- 2-pt Choir
- Congregation
- a cappella
- Latin / English

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