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Music Suggestions
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Liturgical Music

Official texts

  • Introit:
    1. (C) Adorate Deum omnes angeli eius [Graduale Romanum, p.264]
    2. (C) Adorate Deum omnes angeli eius [Gregorian Missal, p.438/451]
    3. Choose one Antiphona ad introitum and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    4. (C) Bow down before God [Simple English Propers, p.186 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    5. Sing a new song to the Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.137 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    6. Worship God, all you his angels [Lumen Christi Missal, p.936 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    7. O sing a new song to the Lord [Lumen Christi Missal, p.936 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    8. O sing a new song to the Lord [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.44, Mode 7 / OCP]
    9. O sing a new song to the Lord [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 5 versions, pp.435-438 / Ignatius Press]
    10. O sing a new song to the Lord [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.110, with Psalm 96[95] / Liturgical Press]
    11. Worship God, all you his angels [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #253, with Psalm 97 / Illuminare Publications]
    12. O sing a new song to the Lord [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #254, with Psalm 96 / Illuminare Publications]
    13. Choose an Entrance Antiphon from one of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
    14. O sing a new song to the Lord [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Winter (Penkala) p.1, with Psalm 95]
    15. (C) O Bow Down before the King [tune: Lübeck] from Introit Hymns #38 (Christoph Tietze)
  • Gradual (Responsorial Psalm):
    1. Timebunt gentes [Graduale Romanum, p.265]
    2. Timebunt gentes [Gregorian Missal, p.438/452]
    3. Choose one Psalmus responsorius from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    4. Choose a Responsorial Psalm from one of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
    5. Chabanel Psalmody
    6. Parish Book of Psalms (Arlene Oost-Zinner)
  • Alleluia (Gospel Acclamation):
    1. Dominus regnavit [Graduale Romanum, p.266]
    2. Dominus regnavit [Gregorian Missal, p.439/453]
    3. Choose one Alleluia or Psalmus alleluiaticus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    4. The Lord Is King (Henry Purcell)
    5. Choose an Alleluia or Alleluia Psalm from one of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
  • Offertory:
    1. Dextera Domini [Graduale Romanum, p.267]
    2. Dextera Domini [Gregorian Missal, p.440/453]
    3. Dextera Domini (César Franck, G.P. da Palestrina)
    4. Choose one Antiphona ad offertorium and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    5. The Lord's right hand [Simple English Propers, p.187 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    6. I shall not die, I shall live [Simple Choral Gradual, p.138 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    7. Choose one Offertory Antiphon from any of those suggested in #144-157 [Lumen Christi Missal, pp.945-949 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    8. The right hand of the Lord [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.438-440 / Ignatius Press]
    9. The right hand of the Lord [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #218, with Psalm 118 / Illuminare Publications]
    10. Choose an Offertory Antiphon and Psalm from one of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
    11. The right hand of the Lord [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Winter (Penkala) p.3, with Psalm 103]
  • Communion:
    1. (C) Comedite pinguia, et bibite mulsum [Graduale Romanum, p.268]
    2. (C) Comedite pinguia, et bibite mulsum [Gregorian Missal, p.441/455]
    3. (C) Comedite pinguia, et bibite mulsum [Communio, p.38 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    4. Choose one Antiphona ad communionem and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    5. Venite post me (Johannes Galliculus)
    6. Follow me: I will make you fishers of men [Simple English Propers, p.188 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
    7. (C) Go, eat rich meat, and drink sweet wine [Choral Communio, p.103 (Richard Rice) Hostia Laudis Co]
    8. Look up at the Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.139 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    9. I am the light of the world [Simple Choral Gradual, p.140 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    10. Choose one Communion Antiphon from any of those suggested in #158-186 [Lumen Christi Missal, pp.949-956 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    11. (C) This is a holy day Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons (Andrew Motyka)
    12. Look toward the Lord [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.45, Mode 5 / OCP]
    13. I am the light of the world [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.45, Mode 7 / OCP]
    14. Look toward the Lord [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.441-443 / Ignatius Press]
    15. I am the light of the world [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.111, with Psalm 27[26] / Liturgical Press]
    16. I am the light of the world [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #318, with Psalm 36 / Illuminare Publications]
    17. Look toward the Lord [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #300, with Psalm 34 / Illuminare Publications]
    18. Choose a Communion Antiphon and Psalm from one of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
    19. I am the light of the world [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Winter (Penkala) p.5, with Psalm 19]
    20. Look toward the Lord [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Winter (Penkala) p.5, with Psalm 19]
  • Mass settings:
    1. Latin Chant Masses VIII (De angelis) & XI (Orbis factor)
    2. Latin Gregorian Chant Masses XI (Orbis factor) & VIII (De angelis)
    3. Latin Missa sanctorum angelorum (Calvert Shenk)
    4. Latin Mass of Saint Jerome (Christopher Bord)
    5. Mass of Our Lady, Help of Christians (Richard Connolly)
    6. Mass of Saint Agnes (B. Andrew Mills)
    7. Mass of the Angels (Richard J. Clark)
    8. Mass of the Redemption (Calvert Shenk / Adam Taylor)
    9. Modal Mass (Calvert Shenk / Adam Taylor)

Other liturgical music


  • Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from Death (WIII #586)
  • By All Your Saints Still Striving (WIII #706, HH #284)
  • Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (WIII #617, HPSC #128, ICEL #183, CBW #542, CH #485, AH #561, CHB #209, SMH #470, EH #384, VII #306, LCH #156, CBH #35)
  • Come, Let Us to the Lord Our God (ICEL #39, CH #243)
  • Father of Heaven, Whose Love Profound (ICEL #41, HH #80, CHB #215, CH #483)
  • Forgive Our Sins (WIII #754, CBW #684)
  • From All Who Dwell below the Skies (ICEL #224, WIII #521, HH #176, CH #563, EH #277)
  • Have Mercy, Lord, on Us (ICEL #44, WIII #753, PMB #196, HH #82, CH #250, SMH #559)
  • How Beautiful the Morning and the Day (WIII #672)
  • How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (ICEL #156, WIII #610, CHB #223, EH #455)
  • Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (CH #581, HPSC #203, WIII #525, SMH #601, EH #281, VII #224, LCH #82, CBH #138)
  • O Lord, You Are My God and King (HPSC #252)
  • Praise to the Lord (WIII #547, ICEL #245, HPSC #284, CH #592, PMB #122, CBW #653, AH #612, CHB #110, SMH #721, EH #279, VII #205, LCH #79, SEC #927, CBH #228)
  • Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (WIII #528, ICEL #246, HPSC #301, HH #203, SMH #749, VII #219, SEC #935, CBH #240)
  • Tell His Praise in Song and Story (HPSC #310)
  • The Kingdom of God (WIII #615, CH #550)
  • The Perfect Law of God (HPSC #327)
  • The Voice of God Goes Out through All the Earth (WIII #358, HPSC #336, CBW #639, HH #24)
AH = The Adoremus Hymnal, Ignatius Press
CBH = A Catholic Book of Hymns, Sacred Music Library
CBW = Catholic Book of Worship II / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
CD = Cantate Domino / Hymnal Supplement, GIA Publications, Inc.
CH = The Collegeville Hymnal, The Liturgical Press
CHB = The Catholic Hymn Book [London Oratory], Gracewing Publishers
EH = The Hymnal 1940 (Episcopal), used by many Anglican Use Roman Catholic parishes
HH = Hymnal of the Hours, GIA Publications, Inc.
HPSC = Hymns, Psalms & Spiritual Canticles, out of print but excellent
ICEL = ICEL Resource Collection, GIA Publications, Inc.
LCH = Lumen Christi Hymnal, Illuminare Publications
PMB = People's Mass Book, World Library Publications, Inc.
SEC = Saint Edmund Campion Hymnal & Missal, Corpus Christi Watershed
SMH = The Saint Michael Hymnal – 4th Edition 2011, Saint Boniface Church, Lafayette IN
VII = Vatican II Hymnal, Corpus Christi Watershed
WIII = Worship, 3rd Edition, GIA Publications, Inc.

Choral Music

  • Adoro te devote (Andrew R. Motyka)
  • Author of Light (Campion/Knapicius)
  • Cantate Deo (Walker Williams)
  • Cantate Domino (Giovanni Croce)
  • Concentus gaudii: Cantate Domino (J. William Greene)
  • Ego sum vitis vera (Anthony Corvaia, Jr.)
  • How Lovely Are the Messengers from Saint Paul (Felix Mendelssohn)
  • In Thee Is Gladness (Gastoldi)
  • Jubilate, servite (Jacques Berthier / Taizé Community)
  • Kyrie eleison from Lord Nelson Mass (F.J. Haydn)
  • Laudate Dominum (Marc-Antoine Charpentier)
  • Let the Words of My Mouth (Everett Titcomb) [H.W. Gray]
  • Lord of Life and King of Glory (Michelangelo Grancini) [GIA Publications]
  • Lord, Thy Servants Praise Thee (W.A. Mozart)
  • Lord, You Have the Words (Richard Proulx) [GIA Publications]
  • O Salutaris Hostia (Léo Delibes) from Cantate Domino [ed. Scott Atwood & Scott Turkington]
  • O Sing Joyfully (Adrian Batten)
  • O Splendor of God's Glory Bright (John Reese)
  • Prayer (Vincent Persichetti) [Elkan-Vogel]
  • Sing Psalms and Hymns (Gary Penkala)
  • The Glory of the Father (Egil Hovland)
  • The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me (Edward Elgar)

Organ Music

  • A Trumpet Celebration (Grimoaldo Macchia)
  • Bell Symphony (Henry Purcell)
  • Chorale Prelude on Lobe den Herren (John Hebden Schaffner) [Organist's Companion, May 1999]
  • Chorale Prelude on Mit freuden zart (William J. Ross) [Organist's Companion, April 1988]
  • Chorale Prelude on the Tune Saint Peter (T. Tertius Noble) [Arthur P. Schmidt Co]
  • Detroit (G. Winston Cassler) [Organist's Companion, June 1980]
  • Dialogue sur les grands jeux (François Couperin)
  • Elevation II (Marcel Dupré)
  • Erbarm' dich mein, o Herre Gott (J.S. Bach) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co] [Organist's Companion, July 1993]
  • Erbarm' dich mein, o Herre Gott; (J.N. Hanff) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co] [Organist's Companion, January 2002]
  • Erbarm' dich mein, o Herre Gott (J.L. Krebs) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co]
  • Erbarm' dich mein, o Herre Gott (J.G. Walther) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co]
  • Fantasia con imitazione (J.S. Bach)
  • Fantasia super: Valet will ich dir geben (J.S. Bach) [Orgelwerke VII - Peters 246]
  • Have Mercy upon Me, O Lord (J.S. Bach) [Parish Organist, Part 10: Funeral Music - Concordia]
  • How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (Paul Bouman) [Parish Organist, Part 3 - Concordia]
  • Hymn to Joy (Wilbur Held) [Organist's Companion, August 1982]
  • Introduction and Processional for the Wedding Day (Gilbert Martin) [The Sacred Organ Folio - Lorenz Publ Co]
  • Introduction and Toccata in G (William Walond)
  • Jerusalem from Two Preludes on British Hymns (John M. Ignatowski)
  • Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter (J.S. Bach) [Orgelwerke VII - Peters 246] [Church Organist's Golden Treasury II - Oliver Ditson Co]
  • Liebster Jesu, wir sing hier (J.G. Walther)
  • Lobe den Herren (Max Reger) [Thirty Chorale Preludes - Peters 3980]
  • Lobe den Herren (J.G. Walther) [Eighty Chorale Preludes - Peters 4448] [Church Organist's Golden Treasury II - Oliver Ditson Co] [Anthologia pro organo IV - Schott Frères]
  • Lydian Prelude (Flor Peeters)
  • Partita on Hymn to Joy (Charles Callahan) [Morning Star Music Publ]
  • Partita on Lobe den Herren (Don Freudenberg) [Organist's Companion, June 1986]
  • Partita on Mit freuden zart (Gerhard Krapf) [Concordia 97-4689]
  • Postlude on Hymn to Joy (Gordon Young) [Seven Chorale Preludes]
  • Praise to the Lord (Calvin Hampton) [Organist's Companion, October 1986]
  • Praise to the Lord (Paul Manz) [Five Improvisations for Wedding and General Use - Morning Star Music Publ 10-850]
  • Praise to the Lord (Friederich Zipp) [Parish Organist XII - Concordia]
  • Prelude and Fugue in e (J.S. Bach)
  • Prelude on Detroit (Randolph Currie) [Organist's Companion, January 1997]
  • Prelude on Hymn to Joy (Michael Burkhardt) [Morning Star Music Publ]
  • Procession (Russell Schulz-Widmar) [Organist's Companion, August 1980]
  • Processional (Martin Shaw)
  • Processional on Hymn to Joy (Alice Jordan) [Organist's Companion, August 1986]
  • Psalm XIX (Benedetto Marcello)
  • Reverie on Saint Peter (Eric Thiman) [Preludes and Voluntaries - G. Schirmer]
  • Schmücke dich o liebe Seele from Four Chorale Trios, Volume 2 (F.W. Marpurg)
  • Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (David Brensinger) [Organist's Companion, March 1995]
  • Three Hymn Tune Preludes (Rev. Brian Muzas)
  • Toccata on Lobe den Herren (Gordon Young) [Five Toccatas - Flammer HF-5009]
  • Trio in G (W.A. Mozart)
  • Valet will ich der geben (J.S. Bach) [Orgelwerke VII - Peters 246] [Church Organist's Golden Treasury III - Oliver Ditson Co]
  • Valet will ich der geben (G.F. Kaufmann) [Eighty Chorale Preludes - Peters 4448]
  • Valet will ich der geben (Max Reger) [Thirty Chorale Preludes - Peters 3980]
  • Variations on a Theme by Beethoven (Joseph Lowe) [Organist's Companion, June 1985]
  • Variations on Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (David Johnson)
  • Variations on Southwell (Alfred Fedak) [Organist's Companion, January 1990]
  • Vitrail – Stained Glass Window (Henri Mulet)
  • Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (J.S. Bach)
  • With High Delight (Charles Ore) [Eleven Compositions for Organ Bk 2 - Concordia 97-5385]

Liturgical Hints & Ideas

This Sunday's Introit, "Sing a new song to the Lord!" quotes from last Sunday's Responsorial Psalm. Why not use the same setting as the psalm for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Entrance Chant for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time?

CanticaNOVA Publications / PO Box 1388 / Charles Town WV 25414-7388
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