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Gloria Vaticana

- Gary D. Penkala


PDF Sample

Use: General
Required Resources: SATB choir, congregation, organ
Language: Latin

As the title indicates, this setting of the Latin Gloria text uses a format quite common at papal Masses in Saint Peter's Basilica. After an intonation of "Gloria in excelsis Deo" by the celebrant (or by the unison tenors and basses), the choir sings the next phrase in harmony. The congregation responds with a phrase in unison chant. This alternation continues until choir and congregation join to sing "Cum Sancto Spiritu, in gloria Dei Patris. Amen" at the end.

The chant that the congregation sings are phrases from Gloria VIII (de Angelis), exactly as found in the Graduale Romanum, with simple organ accompaniment. The choral phrases are mildly contrapuntal and occasionally use metricized melodies from Gloria VIII in one of the voices. A vocal reduction is given in the organ part for all the choral phrases, which may or may not be played in performance.

The familiar strains of the Gloria de Angelis are given to the congregation to sing; the choral writing is clear and well within the capabilities of any competent choir. Ranges are comfortable:

  • Soprano: D (above middle C) to F#
  • Alto: C# (above middle C) to D
  • Tenor: D to F# (above middle C)
  • Bass: A to D (above middle C)

A reproducible page showing the choral text and the congregation's music is included in the choral octavo.


Order #: 3039
Price: $2.10


- Liturgical Settings
- Ordinary Time
- SATB Choir
- Congregation
- Chant

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