Use: Lent, Holy Week
Required Resources: SATB choir
Optional Resources: Organ
Language: English
J.S. Bach made ample use of the chorale Herzlich tut mich verlangen in his cantatas, passions and oratorios.
Harnessing three settings (two from the Saint Matthew Passion and one from the Christmas Oratorio), Christopher Bord has arranged them in the consistant key of a minor.
Each a page long, they can be sung individually or as a group.
They employ various familiar English verses:
- O Sacred Head, surrounded by crown of piercing thorn …
- The Lord of every nation was hung upon a tree …
- In this, thy bitter passion, Good Shepherd think of me …
The chorales are arranged in two-staff choral systems, so they can be sung a cappella or accompanied by organ.
Bach was a master of homophonic voice leading, and these chorales are particularly beautiful examples of this art form.

Order #: 4070
Price: $1.50
- Treasury Series
- Lent
- Triduum
- SATB Choir