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New Hymn Accompaniments, Volume 3

- Gregory Hamilton


Use: General
Required Resources: organ

Gregory Hamilton has expanded on his work in New Hymn Accompaniments, Volume 2, where he contributed several of the selections. The pieces in Volume 3 are all his — free accompaniments for ten hymns familiar to Catholic parishes:

  1. Christe sanctorum
  2. Duke Street
  3. Ellacombe
  4. Hyfrydol
  5. Lourdes Hymn
  6. Old Hundredth
  7. Saint Columba
  8. Saint Theodulph
  9. Salzburg
  10. Unde et memores

The accompaniments are all a single page, except Saint Theodulph, which includes an Introduction as well. The melody always appears in the top voice, making these harmonically creative settings very easy for the congregation.


Order #: 6203
Price: $6.95


- Organ/Instrumental
- Hymns and Carols
- Ordinary Time
- Organ

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