Use: General
Required Resources: 3-pt treble, organ/piano
Language: English and Latin
Dr. Greene brings his brilliant keyboard skills to bear on this bright motet for 3-part treble voices.
Written for organ or piano, the accompaniment is an integral part of the work, satisfying both for the player and the listener.
Not so difficult that a good children's choir couldn't handle the voice parts, this piece will also be appreciated and welcomed by the "ladies of the choir" – a good way to vary the weekly choral "texture" by having half the choir sing occasionally.
The title, Concentus gaudii, means "Joyful Harmony."
The subtitle, Cantate Domino, is derived from the lyrics: a Latin phrase from Psalm 13:6, "Cantate Domino, qui bona tribuit populo; psalltie Deo altissimo," and its English translation, "Sing to the Lord our God, who gives good things to us, His people; Sing praise to God, the Lord God Most High."
Dr. Greene serves as Organist-Choirmaster at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Lynchburg, Virginia.
He directs the adult choir and the handbell choir, and plays a 1991 Taylor & Boody tracker organ of 20 ranks.
He has established a choristers program based on the principles of the Royal School of Church Music.
Order #: 5211
Price: 2.10
- Choral Music
- Ordinary Time
- 3-pt Choir
- Latin
- English