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Music Suggestions
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Liturgical Music

Official texts

  • Entrance Antiphon [Introit]:
    1. Deus in loco sancto suo [Graduale Romanum, p.310]
    2. Deus in loco sancto suo [Gregorian Missal, p.509]
    3. Choose one Antiphona ad introitum and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    4. God is in his holy dwelling place [Simple English Propers, p.258 (Adam Bartlett)]
    5. God is in his holy dwelling [Simple Choral Gradual, p.193 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    6. God is in his holy place [Lumen Christi Missal, p.940 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    7. God is in his holy place [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.65, Mode 5 / OCP]
    8. God is in his holy place [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.564-566]
    9. God is in his holy place [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.140, with Psalm 68[67] / Liturgical Press]
    10. God is in his holy place [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #269, with Psalm 68 / Illuminare Publications]
    11. God is in his holy place [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Summer (Penkala) p.2, with Psalm 63]
    12. Choose one Entrance Antiphon and Psalm from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
    13. God in His Holy Dwelling Place [tune: Old Hundredth] from Introit Hymns 53 (Christoph Tietze)
  • Gradual (Responsorial Psalm):
    1. (A/C) In Deo speravit [Graduale Romanum, p.311]
    2. (A/C) In Deo speravit [Gregorian Missal, p.510]
    3. In Deo speravit cor meum (Claudio Merulo)
    4. Choose one Psalmus responsorius from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    5. Choose one Responsorial Psalm from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
    6. Chabanel Psalmody
    7. Parish Book of Psalms (Arlene Oost-Zinner)
  • Alleluia (Gospel Acclamation):
    1. Exsultate Deo adiutori nostro [Graduale Romanum, p.312]
    2. Exsultate Deo adiutori nostro [Gregorian Missal, p.512]
    3. Exultate Deo (Pierre Bonhomme, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
    4. Choose one Alleluia or Psalmus alleluiaticus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    5. Choose one Alleluia or Alleluia Psalm from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
  • Offertory:
    1. Exaltabo te Domine [Graduale Romanum, p.313]
    2. Exaltabo te Domine [Gregorian Missal, p.512]
    3. Exaltabo te Domine (Giovanni Croce, Orlando di Lasso, Alessandro Scarlatti)
    4. Choose one Antiphona ad offertorium and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    5. I will extol you, O Lord [Simple English Propers, p.259 (Adam Bartlett)]
    6. I will praise you, Lord [Simple Choral Gradual, p.194 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    7. Choose one Offertory Antiphon from any of those suggested in #144-157 [Lumen Christi Missal, pp.945-949 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    8. I will extol you, O Lord [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.567-569]
    9. I will extol you, O Lord [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #292, with Psalm 30 / Illuminare Publications]
    10. I will extol you, O Lord [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Summer (Penkala) p.5, with Psalm 27]
    11. Choose one Offertory Antiphon from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
  • Communion:
    1. (C) Petite et accipietis [Graduale Romanum, p.314]
    2. (C) Petite et accipietis [Gregorian Missal, p.514]
    3. (C) Petite et accipietis [Communio, p.200 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    4. Choose one Antiphona ad communionem and Psalmus from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [Graduale simplex, pp.215-252]
    5. (C) Ask and you will receive [Simple English Propers, p.263 (Adam Bartlett)]
    6. (C) Ask and you will receive [Choral Communio, p.148 (Richard Rice) Hostia Laudis Co]
    7. O bless the Lord, my soul [Simple Choral Gradual, p.195 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    8. Happy are those who show mercy [Simple Choral Gradual, p.196 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
    9. Choose one Communion Antiphon from any of those suggested in #158-186 [Lumen Christi Missal, pp.949-956 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
    10. Ask, you shall receive [Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons (Andrew Motyka)]
    11. Bless the Lord, O my soul [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.66, Mode 5 / OCP]
    12. Blessed are the merciful [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.66, Mode 5 / OCP]
    13. Bless the Lord, O my soul [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.570-572]
    14. Bless the Lord, O my soul [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.141, with Psalm 103[102] / Liturgical Press]
    15. Blessed are the merciful [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.142, with Psalm 37[36] / Liturgical Press]
    16. Bless the Lord, O my soul [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #311, with Psalm 103 / Illuminare Publications]
    17. Bless the Lord, O my soul [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Summer (Penkala) p.8, with Psalm 34]
    18. Blessed are the merciful [Mass Propers for Ordinary Time / Summer (Penkala) p.8, with Psalm 34]
    19. Choose one Communion Antiphon and Psalm from any of the eight Masses for Ordinary Time [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.148-182 / Liturgical Press]
  • Mass settings:
    1. Latin Chant Masses VIII (De angelis) & XI (Orbis factor)
    2. Latin Gregorian Chant Masses XI (Orbis factor) & VIII (De angelis)
    3. Latin Missa sanctorum angelorum (Calvert Shenk)
    4. Latin Mass of Saint Jerome (Christopher Bord)
    5. Mass of Our Lady, Help of Christians (Richard Connolly)
    6. Mass of Saint Agnes (B. Andrew Mills)
    7. Mass of the Angels (Richard J. Clark)
    8. Mass of the Redemption (Calvert Shenk / Adam Taylor)
    9. Modal Mass (Calvert Shenk / Adam Taylor)

Other liturgical music


  • Christian, Do You Hear the Lord? (WIII #594, CH #448, SMH #476)
  • Creator of the Stars of Night (AH #309, CBW #539, CH #174, HH #4, HPSC #147, ICEL #3, PMB #5, WIII #368, EH #6, VII #327, LCH #9/171, SMH #497)
  • Father Almighty, Pour on Us Thy Blessing (HPSC #153)
  • Father, We Thank Thee, Who Hast Planted (WIII #558, HPSC #156, CH #374, PMB #121, CBW #676, AH #515, CHB #116, SMH #521, EH #195, VII #322, LCH #131)
  • Help Us Accept Each Other (WIII #656)
  • Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (CH #581, HPSC #203, WIII #525, SMH #601, EH #281, VII #224, LCH #82)
  • O My Soul, Bless God the Father (HPSC #255, CH #459)
  • On This Day the First of Days (WIII #662, ICEL #241, PMB #235, CBW #590, HH #179, AH #610, CH #596, CD #853, SMH #701, LCH #113)
  • Peace with the Father (WIII #660)
  • Sing Praise to Our Creator (PMB #112, AH #500, SMH #750)
  • Tell His Praise in Song and Story (HPSC #310)
  • The King of Love My Shepherd Is (WIII #609, ICEL #165, HPSC #324, AH #580, CH #460, CHB #265, SMH #784, EH #345, VII #269, LCH #109)
  • To You I Lift My Soul (HPSC #337, SMH #802)
  • To You, O Lord, I Lift My Soul (CH #463)
  • With All My Powers of Heart and Tongue (HPSC #352)
AH = The Adoremus Hymnal, Ignatius Press
CBW = Catholic Book of Worship II / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
CD = Cantate Domino / Hymnal Supplement, GIA Publications, Inc.
CH = The Collegeville Hymnal, The Liturgical Press
CHB = The Catholic Hymn Book [London Oratory], Gracewing Publishers
EH = The Hymnal 1940 (Episcopal), used by many Anglican Use Roman Catholic parishes
HH = Hymnal of the Hours, GIA Publications, Inc.
HPSC = Hymns, Psalms & Spiritual Canticles, out of print but excellent
ICEL = ICEL Resource Collection, GIA Publications, Inc.
LCH = Lumen Christi Hymnal, Illuminare Publications
PMB = People's Mass Book, World Library Publications, Inc.
SMH = The Saint Michael Hymnal – 4th Edition 2011, Saint Boniface Church, Lafayette IN
VII = Vatican II Hymnal, Corpus Christi Watershed
WIII = Worship, 3rd Edition, GIA Publications, Inc.

Choral Music

Organ Music

  • Adagio from Symphony No.5 (Charles-Marie Widor)
  • Concert Variations on Austrian Hymn (John Knowles Paine) [Collected Works - McAfee Music]
  • Creator alme siderum (J. Lemmens, Philip Kreckel, Robert Hebble)
  • Ebenezer from Two Hymn Tune Postludes for Manuals (Donna Robertson)
  • Fanfare on Austrian Hymn (Gordon Young) [Collage for Organ - Flammer HF-5011]
  • Fantasie en echo (J.P. Sweelinck)
  • Hymn to Joy (Wilbur Held) [Organist's Companion, August 1982]
  • Lob sei den Allmächtigen Gott (J.S. Bach)
  • Meditation on Saint Columba (Edward G. Mead) [Consoliere VII-2 - World Library Publ]
  • Partita on Hymn to Joy (Charles Callahan) [Morning Star Music Publ]
  • Prelude founded on an Old Irish Church Melody (Charles Villiers Stanford) [Organist's Companion, July 1991]
  • Prelude in b minor (César Franck)
  • Prelude on Hymn to Joy (Michael Burkhardt) [Morning Star Music Publ]
  • Prelude on Saint Columba (Peter Pindar Stearns) [Eight Meditations on Communion Hymns - Flammer]
  • Prelude on Saint Columba (Healey Willan) [Ten Hymn Preludes, Set I - Peters 6011]
  • Processional on Hymn to Joy (Alice Jordan) [Organist's Companion, August 1986]
  • Rendez à Dieu (Robert J. Powell) [Eleven Chorale Preludes on Hymn Tunes - Flammer]
  • The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Wilbur Held) [Organist's Companion, June 1984]
  • The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Gerhard Krapf) [Parish Organist XII - Concordia]
  • The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Robin Milford) [Wedding Music, Part II - Concordia 97-1370]
  • Three Preludes on Gott sei dank (Michael Sullivan) [Organist's Companion, May 1989]
  • Toccata (Bernardo Pasquini)
  • Variations on a Theme by Beethoven (Joseph Lowe) [Organist's Companion, June 1985]
  • Vater unser in Himmelreich (J.S. Bach, Dieterich Buxtehude)

Liturgical Hints & Ideas

During summer Ordinary Time, when many weddings occur, we will review the musical elements of the marriage ceremony. Engaged couples and the congregation also will benefit from a deeper understanding of these principles. Parishes have permission to duplicate for their use the material in these "Liturgical Hints & Ideas" sections.

The Marriage Ceremony: Offertory

This time, occuring immediately after the marriage rite and the first prayers for the couple, is ideal for a vocal selection. Organ music, instrumental music or a familiar congregational hymn may also be used, tailoring the choice of music to the time of the liturgical action.


Vocal Music
Organ Music
  • Allegretto (Felix Mendelssohn)
  • Arioso (J.S. Bach)
  • Hambleton Suite (Tim Knight)
  • Herr Jesu Christ dich zu uns wend (J.S. Bach)
  • Liebster Jesu wir sind hier (J.S. Bach)
  • Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (J.S. Bach)
  • Prelude in D Major (J.K.F. Fischer) [Concordia]
  • Sixty Devotional Pieces (Dom Gregory Murray)
  • Village Suite (Tim Knight)
  • With High Delight (Charles Ore)

To be continued next Sunday …

CanticaNOVA Publications / PO Box 1388 / Charles Town WV 25414-7388
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