Music Suggestions
Sunday of the Resurrection: Mass during the Day (ABC)
Liturgical Music
Official texts
- Entrance Antiphon [Introit]:
- Resurrexi et adhuc [Graduale Romanum, p.196]
- Resurrexi et adhuc [Gregorian Missal, p.349/383]
- Resurrexi et adhuc (William Byrd)
- Alleluia, hæc dies [Graduale simplex, p.153]
- I am risen [Simple English Propers, p.102 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- I am risen [Simple Choral Gradual, p.89 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- The Lord has indeed risen [Simple Choral Gradual, p.90 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Alleluia! Christ Is Risen [tune: Lauda anima] from Introit Hymns #22 (Christoph Tietze)
- I am risen [Lumen Christi Missal, p.926 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
- I have risen [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.30, Mode 4 / OCP]
- The Lord is truly risen [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.31, Mode 6 / OCP]
- I have risen [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.308-310 / Ignatius Press]
- The Lord is truly risen [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.311-313 / Ignatius Press]
- I have risen [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.72, with Psalm 139[138] / Liturgical Press]
- The Lord is truly risen [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.73, with Psalm 98[97] / Liturgical Press]
- I have risen [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #230, with Psalm 139 / Illuminare Publications]
- Alleluia: This is the day [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.95 / Liturgical Press]
- I have risen [Mass Propers for Eastertide (Penkala) p.1, with Psalm 118]
- The Lord is truly risen [Mass Propers for Eastertide (Penkala) p.1, with Psalm 118]
- Gradual (Responsorial Psalm):
- Hæc dies quam fecit Dominus [Graduale Romanum, p.196]
- Hæc dies quam fecit Dominus [Gregorian Missal, p.350384]
- Hæc dies quam fecit Dominus [Graduale simplex, p.155]
- Hæc dies quam fecit Dominus (Jacques Arcadelt, William Byrd, Anton Diabelli, Ignazio Donati, Marco Antonio Ingegneri, Thomas Morley, Francesco Usper, Ludovico da Viadana, Jan Dismas Zelenka)
- Psalm 118: Today is the day the Lord has made [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.97 / Liturgical Press]
- Chabanel Psalmody
- Parish Book of Psalms (Arlene Oost-Zinner)
- Alleluia (Gospel Acclamation):
- Alleluia, pascha nostrum immolatus [Graduale Romanum, p.197]
- Alleluia, pascha nostrum immolatus [Gregorian Missal, p.351/385]
- Alleluia, in exitu Israel [Graduale simplex, p.157]
- Pascha nostrum (William Byrd)
- Psalm 114: Alelluia, alleluia [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.98 / Liturgical Press]
- Renaissance Alleluia (Gary Penkala)
- Sequence:
- Victimæ paschali laudes [Graduale Romanum, p.198]
- Victimæ paschali laudes [Gregorian Missal, p.351/386]
- Victimæ paschali laudes [Graduale simplex, p.160]
- Victimæ paschali laudes [CNP Booklet of Chant IV]
- Victimæ paschali laudes (Antoine Busnois, William Byrd, Orlando di Lasso, Cristóbal de Morales, Oscar Santos, Orazio Tarditi, Tomás Luis de Victoria, André Vierendeels)
- Christians, praise the paschal victim! [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.101 / Liturgical Press]
- Praises to the Paschal Victim (Alex Hill)
- Sprinkling
- Vidi aquam [Graduale Romanum, p.708]
- Vidi aquam [Gregorian Missal, p.71/85]
- Vidi aquam [Liber usualis, p.12]
- Vidi aquam (Manuel Cardoso, Filipe de Magalhães, Cristóbal de Morales, Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- Vidi aquam from Water Music: For the Sprinkling Rite (Horst Buchholz)
- Fontes et omnia [Graduale simplex, p.449]
Verses of Psalm 118 can also be sung between repetitions of the antiphon. - I saw water flowing [Simple Choral Gradual, p.86 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- I saw water [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 3 versions, pp.972-975 / Ignatius Press]
- I saw water [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) pp.71/75, with Psalm 118[117] / Liturgical Press]
- Springs of water, and all that move [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.93 / Liturgical Press]
- I saw water flowing [Simple Choral Gradual, p.86 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- I Saw Water Flowing (Alex Hill)
- I Saw Water Flowing (Matthew Koraus)
- Offertory:
- Terra tremuit [Graduale Romanum, p.199]
- Terra tremuit [Gregorian Missal, p.353/387]
- Terra tremuit (William Byrd, Fabio Fresi, Joseph Gruber, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- The earth trembled [Simple English Propers, p.103 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- When God arose to judge [Simple Choral Gradual, p.91 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- The earth trembled [Lumen Christi Missal, p.927 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
- The earth trembled [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 5 versions, pp.314-316 / Ignatius Press]
- The earth trembled [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #221, with Psalm 76 / Illuminare Publications]
- The earth trembled [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.103, with Psalm 76 / Liturgical Press]
- The earth feared [Mass Propers for Eastertide (Penkala) p.5, with Psalm 136]
- Communion:
- Pascha nostrum immolatus [Graduale Romanum, p.199]
- Pascha nostrum immolatus [Gregorian Missal, p.354/388]
- Pascha nostrum Christus est [Graduale simplex, p.161]
- Pascha nostrum (William Byrd)
- Alleluia, in exitu Israel [Graduale simplex, p.163]
- Pascha nostrum immolatus [Communio, p.184]
- Christ, our Paschal Lamb [Simple English Propers, p.104 (Adam Bartlett) CMAA]
- Christ, our Passover [Choral Communio, p.50 (Richard Rice) Hostia Laudis Co]
- Christ has become our paschal sacrifice [Simple Choral Gradual, p.92 (Richard Rice) CMAA]
- Christ, our Passover [Lumen Christi Missal, p.927 (Adam Bartlett) Illuminare Publications]
- Christ, our Lamb, has been sacrificed [Laudate Dominum Communion Antiphons (Andrew Motyka)]
- Christ our Passover has been sacrificed [Saint Meinrad Antiphons for the Church Year (Columba Kelly OSB) p.31, Mode 6 / OCP]
- Christ our Passover has been sacrificed [The Proper of the Mass (Fr. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 4 versions, pp.317-319 / Ignatius Press]
- Christ our Passover has been sacrificed [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.74, with Psalm 118[117] / Liturgical Press]
- Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.74, with Psalm 118[117] / Liturgical Press]
- Christ our Passover has been sacrificed [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #222, with Psalm 118 / Illuminare Publications]
- Christ our Passover has been sacrificed [Communion Antiphons for Lent (Richard J. Clark) with Psalm 118 / GIA Publications]
- Christ, our paschal lamb [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.103, with Psalm 66 / Liturgical Press]
- Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia [By Flowing Waters (Paul Ford) p.104, with Psalm 105 / Liturgical Press]
- Christ our Passover has been sacrificed [Mass Propers for Eastertide (Penkala) p.9, with Psalm 66]
- Mass settings:
- Mass of Our Lady, Help of Christians (Richard Connolly)
- Mass of the Angels (Richard J. Clark)
- Mass of the Redemption (Calvert Shenk)
- Missa I – Lux et origo (Gregorian chant) [Gregorian Missal, p.75/89]
- Missa I – Lux et origo (Gregorian chant) [Graduale Romanum, p.710]
- Missa I – Lux et origo (Gregorian chant) [Graduale simplex, p.75]
- Missa sanctorum angelorum (Calvert Shenk)
- Paschal Gloria (J. William Greene)
Other liturgical music
- Blessed Be God (James Chepponis) [GIA Publications]
- Chant Booklet, Volume 4 (ed. Chris Bord)
- Communion Antiphons for Eastertide (Brumby/Penkala)
- Common Psalms for Schools & Parishes (Thomas Cosley)
- Communion Psalms for the Liturgical Seasons (Gary Penkala)
- Give Thanks to the Lord (Paul French)
- Gospel Fanfare for Easter Morning (James Biery) [GIA Publications]
- Graduale Romanum [Solesmes edition]
- Graduale simplex [Vatican edition]
- Gregorian Missal [Solesmes edition]
- I Saw Water Flowing (Alex Hill)
- I Saw Water Flowing (Matthew Koraus)
- Jesus Christ Is Ris'n Today (arr. Matthew Koraus)
- Let All the Earth (Christopher Willcock) [OCP]
- Like a Deer That Longs (John E. Sittard)
- Lumen Christi (Richard J. Clark)
- Mass Propers for Eastertide (Gary Penkala)
- Paschal Gloria (J. William Greene)
- Praises to the Paschal Victim
- Processional Alleluia (Howard Hughes SM) [GIA Publications]
- Psalm 118 (Christopher Bord)
- Renaissance Alleluia (Gary Penkala)
- Te Deum: We Praise You, O God (J. William Greene)
- The New Lambs of Christ (arr. Gary Penkala)
- Universal Music for Morning Prayer (Gary Penkala)
- Universal Music for Evening Prayer (Gary Penkala)
- Victimæ paschali laudes (Gregorian chant) Proper Sequence for Easter Sunday [Graduale Romanum, p.198, Gregorian Missal, p.351, Graduale simplex, p.160, Liber usualis, p.780, Booklet of Chant, Volume 2]
- You Have Put on Christ (J. William Greene) [GIA Publications]
- All You on Earth (PMB #70, HH #118)
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (WIII #463, HPSC #131, CBW #499, AH #415, CH #289, CHB #76, SMH #474/5, EH #95, VII #246, LCH #62, SEC #841, CBH #38/39/40)
- Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing (AH #419, CH #271, HH #124, CHB #78, SMH #545)
- Hail Thee, Festival Day (AH #414, CBW #509, CH #274, HPSC #179, PMB #78, WIII #444, SMH #553, EH #86/102/107)
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (AH #410, CBW #500, CH #288, HPSC #201, ICEL #73, PMB #74, WIII #442, CHB #79, SMH #589, EH #85, VII #249, LCH #59, SEC #843, CBH #128)
- Let the Earth Rejoice and Sing (PMB #63)
- O Thou, the Heavens' Eternal King (HPSC #266, VII #357)
- Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise (ICEL #81, CBW #508, CH #273, SMH #753, CBH #242)
- That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright (WIII #457, ICEL #76, HH #116, CBW #507, CH #284, SMH #774, EH #98, LCH #60)
- The Clouds of Night Are Passed Away (HPSC #313)
- The Strife Is O'er (WIII #451, ICEL #77, PMB #68, HH #131, CBW #503, AH #413, CH #276, CHB #83, SMH #787/8, EH #91, LCH #64, CBH #265)
- This Is the Day the Lord Created (HPSC #329)
- This Is the Day the Lord Has Made (CH #625, CD #852)
- This Is the Lord's Day from Hymns for the Liturgical Year (Kathleen Pluth)
- Victimæ paschali laudes (ICEL #79, HPSC #342, SMH #816)
- With High Delight (CD #827)
- AH = The Adoremus Hymnal, Ignatius Press
- CBH = A Catholic Book of Hymns, Sacred Music Library
- CBW = Catholic Book of Worship II / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- CD = Cantate Domino / Hymnal Supplement, GIA Publications, Inc.
- CH = The Collegeville Hymnal, The Liturgical Press
- CHB = The Catholic Hymn Book [London Oratory], Gracewing Publishers
- EH = The Hymnal 1940 (Episcopal), used by many Anglican Use Roman Catholic parishes
- HH = Hymnal of the Hours, GIA Publications, Inc.
- HPSC = Hymns, Psalms & Spiritual Canticles, out of print but excellent
- ICEL = ICEL Resource Collection, GIA Publications, Inc.
- LCH = Lumen Christi Hymnal, Illuminare Publications
- PMB = People's Mass Book, World Library Publications, Inc.
- SEC = Saint Edmund Campion Hymnal & Missal, Corpus Christi Watershed
- SMH = The Saint Michael Hymnal – 4th Edition 2011, Saint Boniface Church, Lafayette IN
- VII = Vatican II Hymnal, Corpus Christi Watershed
- WIII = Worship, 3rd Edition, GIA Publications, Inc.
Choral Music
- Ad cenam Agni providi from Five Simple Motets (Colin Brumby)
- All Creatures of Our God and King (Robert Benson)
- Alleluia (Sr. Edith Scholl)
- Alleluia, dic nobis, Maria (Francisco Lopez Capillas)
- Alleluia in D (Joseph Knapicius)
- Alleluia! In resurrectione tua (Jacobus Gallus) [GIA Publications]
- In resurrectione tua (William Byrd, Jacob Handl)
- Cantate Deo (Walker Williams)
- Christ the Lord Is Risen! Alleluia! (J.H. Roman)
- Dum transisset (Joseph Furmanik, Robert Johnson, Thomas Tallis, John Taverner)
- Easter Psalm (Gary Penkala)
- Exsultate Deo (Alessandro Scarlatti)
- Finished the Strife of Battle Now (Steven Ottományi)
- Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing (Donna Robertson)
- Hæc dies (Jacob Arcadelt, William Byrd, Marc Ingengeri, G.P. da Palestrina)
- Hallelujah from Messiah (G.F. Handel)
- If Ye Be Risen Again with Christ (Orlando Gibbons)
- Jesus Christ Is Ris'n Today (arr. Matthew Koraus)
- King of Kings (Caleb Simper)
- Like a Deer That Longs (John Edward Sittard)
- Magdalena (Johannes Brahms)
- Maria Magdalene (Andrea Gabrieli, Francisco Guerrero)
- Purge, Put the Old Leaven Therefore (Heinrich Schütz)
- Regina coeli lætare (Gregor Aichinger / Angelini)
- Regina cæli (Adam Taylor)
- Regina coeli lætare (Johannes Brahms, Giovanni Croce, José Maurício Nunes Garcia, Charles Gounod, João Baptista Lehman, Antonio Lotti, Cristóbal de Morales, W.A. Mozart, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Adrian Willaert)
- Sicut cervus desiderat (Palestrina / Angelini)
- Sicut cervus (Manoel Dias de Oliveira)
- Surrexit Christus (G.B. Pergolesi) [GIA Publications]
- Surrexit Christus Dominus (Michael Praetorius)
- Te Deum laudamus (F.J. Haydn, Jean Langlais, W.A. Mozart, Domenico Scarlatti)
- Te Deum laudamus (Calvert Shenk)
- The Master's Rejoicing (Jim Stanley)
- The Strife Is O'er (C. Armstrong Gibbs) from The Oxford Easy Anthem Book
- This Is the Day from Four Easter Anthems (Colin Brumby)
- This Is the Day (Melchior Franck) [GIA Publications]
- This Is the Day (Gallus)
- This Joyful Eastertide (Alan Smith)
- Two Easter Anthems (Colin Brumby)
Organ Music
- Allegro from Symphony VI (Charles-Marie Widor)
- Allegro-Finale from Symphony I (Louis Vierne)
- Alleluya (William Faulkes) [A Victorian Organ Album - Oxford]
- At the Lamb's High Feast (Paul Manz) from Improvisations for the Easter Season [Morning Star Music Publishers #10-402]
- Carillon-sortie (Henri Mulet)
- Chorale Fantasie on Lasst uns erfreuen (Flor Peeters) [Novello]
- Chorale Prelude (Healey Willan)
- Chorale Toccata on Lasst uns erfreuen; (R. Evan Copley) [H.W. Gray]
- Christ ist erstanden (J.S. Bach) [Orgelbüchlein] [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I – Oliver Ditson Co]
- Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands (Wilbur Held) from Six Preludes on Easter Hymns [Concordia #97-5330]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (J.S. Bach) [Orgelbüchlein] [Orgelwerke VI - Peters 245] [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I – Oliver Ditson Co]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (Georg Böhm) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co] [Organist's Companion, March 1992]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (Dieterich Buxtehude) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (G.F. Kauffmann) [Organist's Companion, February 1986]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (J.L. Krebs) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (Johann Pachelbel) [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I - Oliver Ditson Co] [Organist's Companion, March 1993]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (Samuel Scheidt) [Eighty Chorale Preludes - Peters 4448] [Church Organist's Golden Treasury I – Oliver Ditson Co] [Organist's Companion, March 2001]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (G.P. Telemann) [Seasonal Chorale Preludes for Manuals, Bk 2 - Oxford]
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (F.W. Zachau) [Eighty Chorale Preludes - Peters 4448] [Seasonal Chorale Preludes for Manuals, Bk 2 – Oxford] [Organist's Companion, April 1987 & March 2000]
- Concerto for Organ and Strings (Michael J. Starke)
- Deux antiennes: Maria / Rabboni (Dom Paul Benoit) from Esquisses liturgiques [J. Fischer & Bros.]
- Ershienen ist der herrliche Tag from Five Chorale Preludes (Colin Brumby)
- Fanfare (Jacques Lemmens)
- Fanfare on The Strife Is O'er (Alec Wyton) [Preludes, Fanfares & a March for the Liturgical Year – Flammer]
- Fantaise über Christ ist erstanden (H.R. Basler) [Die Orgel im Kirchenjahr - Cron Luzern EC 270]
- Festive Processionals for Organ and Brass (Calvert Shenk)
- Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing (Paul Manz) [Improvisations for the Easter Season, Set I – Morning Star Music Publ 10-402]
- Grand chouer dialogue (Eugene Gigout)
- Heut' triumphiret Gottes Sohn (J.S. Bach) from Orgelbüchlein
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Paul Manz) from Improvisations for the Easter Season [Morning Star Music Publishers #10-402]
- Jubilation Toccata (Dennis Janzer)
- Litanies (Jehan Alain)
- New Hymn Accompaniments, Volume 1 (Donna Robertson)
- Partita on Gelobt sei Gott (Theodore Ripper) [Organist's Companion, April 1987]
- Prelude on O filii et filiæ (Healey Willan) from Ten Hymn Preludes, Set I [C.F. Peters Corp]
- Prelude on Victimae paschali laudes (John Reese)
- Regina cæli from Die Marianischen Antiphonen (Hermann Schroeder)
- The Easter Sequence from Six Preludes on Easter Hymns (Wilbur Held) [Concordia #97-5330]
- The Strife Is O'er (G. Winston Cassler) [This Is the Victory - Augsburg 11-9497]
- The Strife Is O'er (Wilbur Held) [Six Preludes on Easter Hymns - Concordia]
- Toccata from Symphony V (Charles-Marie Widor)
- Toccata jubilante (Dennis Janzer)
- Toccata on Gelobet sei Gott (Alfred Fedak) [Organist's Companion, April 1986]
- Toccata on Lasst uns erfreuen (R. Evan Copley)
- Toccata on Victimæ paschali laudes (Gary Penkala)
- Tuba Tune (Norman Cocker)
- Victimæ paschali laudes from Three Preludes on Gregorian Sequences (Mark Siebert)
- Victory (G. Winston Cassler) [Organist's Companion, April 1987]
- Victory (Robin Dinda) [Organist's Companion, March 1991]
- Vivace-Finale from Symphony VI (Charles-Marie Widor)
- Voluntary on Regina cæli (Kevin Frecker)
- Ye Sons and Daughters of the King (Jan Bender) [Parish Organist, Book 8 – Concordia 97-1404]
- Ye Sons and Daughters of the King (Camil van Hulse) [Seven Preludes on Hymns for Easter – Concordia 97-1390]
Liturgical Hints & Ideas
Be sure to carry some of the exuberance and joy of last night's Vigil of Vigils over into this morning's Masses. Don't skimp on the extra instrumentalists. Some of the music can easily be repeated; most people from the Vigil Mass will not be at another Mass today (or if so, they won't mind hearing it again!). The Easter Sunday liturgy does have one special element of its own: the sublime sequence Victimæ paschali. Find a way to perpetuate this treasure in its Gregorian chant form. It is possible for a small ensemble to sing this Latin chant at its place in the liturgy (it does not need to be a congregational event). If you lack a choir capable of the Latin chant, or you want the people involved, I've found no better setting than CNP's Praises to the Paschal Victim by Alex Hill.